What do we Know about Anxiety?

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Anxiety is composed of several mental health disorders. Anxiety can cause problems in daily living functions, and cause people not to function correctly. Anxiety can cause a person to fear, worry, or even become nervous when facing situations. Anxiety has the power to show how a different person under stress function. They tend to have a different train of thought, uncontrollable emotions, and when it comes to behavior they might hide in a shell. There are different levels of anxiety that include:Mild, Moderate, and Severe.

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Mild anxiety can often be mistaken as a general type of anxiety that cause little discomfort. Meanwhile, severe anxiety can cause anxiety that one simply cannot handle.

Anxiety is often labeled by what life event a person is tackling. For instance: when a person is maybe eager to do something, it can cause anxiety. However, I consider the example to be a good anxiety because they’re not worrying about anything.  When I think of bad anxiety, it usually has to do with meeting deadlines, attending a family members funeral, or even worrying about being in front of crowds.

A person that may be facing anxiety faced different kinds of emotions. They often feel like they’re by themselves, but may have a village behind them. When you suffer from anxiety you usually feel as if no one cares or understands. The little things that a person with anxiety face can be misunderstood to those who doesn’t face it. Some examples would be, driving on an interstate where you once had a car accident or not being able to wash your hands after meeting new people. These are things that a person with anxiety fear, but outside people wouldn’t understand.

Two assessments tools for assessing anxiety are Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scales and Leibowitz Social Anxiety Rating Scale. Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale is the first scale to be created to find how long-term or short-term anxiety symptoms can last. The scale also, works to show what can be potential signs of anxiety. This particular assessment is composed of at least fourteen different questions or measurements. The different measurements is design to represent each symptom.

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What Do We Know About Anxiety?. (2019, Aug 14). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/what-do-we-know-about-anxiety/