The Refugee Crisis: a Call for Compassion and Action

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The plight of refugees around the world is a profound humanitarian crisis that demands urgent attention and compassionate action from governments and societies alike. Stranded at sea with no hope, countless individuals and families are forced to squeeze into cramped spaces, desperately seeking refuge and a glimpse of freedom. These journeys, fraught with physical and emotional challenges, require refugees to pay an exorbitant and often unfair price for their safety and future. The sacrifices they make, and the risks they endure, compel us to advocate for policies that offer them a fair chance at rebuilding their lives in new lands.

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By providing support and opportunities, we can ensure that refugees become positive contributors to their host countries.

Physical Challenges

The physical challenges refugees face on their journey to freedom are both harrowing and life-threatening. Overcrowded rafts designed for fifteen are often packed with hundreds, leaving refugees to endure treacherous conditions at sea. The fear of drowning looms large as they navigate perilous waters, with no assurance of when they will reach their destination. The journey, lasting for days, feels like an eternity for these individuals who are in search of safety and security.

Sickness spreads rapidly in such conditions, with diseased refugees succumbing one by one, their only hope being to make it to land. However, the dangers they face extend beyond illness. Refugees are at constant risk of kidnapping, physical and sexual abuse, and torture by smugglers along key route points. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reports that refugees are often sold to traffickers, who exploit them by turning children into child soldiers and executing the innocent for amusement. These traffickers dehumanize refugees, forcing them into labor under brutal conditions.

Moreover, refugees endure extreme weather conditions, with temperatures dropping below freezing, heavy snow blocking transport, and a lack of essential supplies like food, water, and warm clothing. This is particularly devastating for those fleeing from regions like Syria, where the climate is vastly different. The threat of hypothermia is ever-present, as refugees have limited space for essential supplies on their rafts, leaving them unprepared for the harsh environments they encounter.

Emotional Hardships

The emotional toll on refugees is equally profound, leaving scars that last a lifetime. These individuals, who are nothing less than human beings, often find themselves traveling alone, separated from family members who may already be in the host country. This separation adds to the uncertainty and anxiety as they strive to cross borders and secure the necessary paperwork for asylum.

Even for those who successfully reunite with their families, the challenges persist. Refugees frequently encounter discrimination, racism, and xenophobia in their new communities. Many feel isolated and ostracized, almost regretting their decision to seek a better life. The thought that their war-torn homeland might offer a more welcoming environment than their host country is a cruel irony.

When encountered at sea by large ships patrolling borders, refugees are often treated with disdain and disrespect. Editorial cartoons, like the one by Simon Kneebone, poignantly depict this struggle, illustrating a large ship with a gun pointed at a raft of refugees, questioning their origin. The refugees' response, "Earth," underscores their humanity and the shared responsibility of global communities to address this crisis.

Financial Burdens

The financial burdens refugees face are staggering, further compounding their hardships. Many come from impoverished backgrounds and must save for years to afford the journey to safety. Smugglers exploit their desperation, charging exorbitant fees for passage. The cost of escaping a war-torn nation like Syria to reach Europe can be as high as $3000, a sum that leaves refugees in dire conditions during their journey.

Those unable to pay more are subjected to the worst travel conditions, crammed onto small rafts with hundreds of others, where disease and the risk of sinking are prevalent. In contrast, those who can afford higher prices secure passage on motorboats with fewer passengers, offering a slightly less perilous journey. The financial strain leaves refugees with little to support themselves upon arrival, exacerbating their vulnerability.

The financial sacrifices extend beyond the journey itself. Refugees often contribute their last savings to help others in need, exemplified by the story of refugees pooling money to save a young man from being detained by soldiers. These acts of solidarity highlight the communal spirit among refugees, even as they face their own financial insecurities.

The Potential of Refugees

Despite the challenges they face, refugees possess immense potential to contribute positively to their host countries. Many are skilled and hardworking individuals eager to rebuild their lives and integrate into new communities. They seek not charity but the opportunity to work, support themselves, and give back to society.

Contrary to misconceptions that refugees will overpopulate and strain resources, evidence suggests that they are among the most dedicated workers. Given the chance, refugees can help drive economic growth and innovation in their host countries. Providing them with access to education, healthcare, and employment is not only a moral imperative but also an economic opportunity.

Refugees can play a crucial role in fostering international trade and investment. Their unique cultural perspectives and linguistic skills enable them to bridge gaps between local and global markets, facilitating business opportunities and cultural exchange. By recognizing their potential, host countries can benefit from the diverse talents and perspectives refugees bring.


The refugee crisis is a global challenge that requires a compassionate and coordinated response. Refugees are not merely victims; they are individuals with dreams, aspirations, and the potential to contribute meaningfully to society. By offering them support and opportunities, we can transform their struggles into stories of hope and resilience.

Governments and communities must work together to ensure that refugees are treated with dignity and respect. This includes addressing the physical, emotional, and financial challenges they face and providing pathways for integration and success. By doing so, we not only uphold our humanitarian values but also unlock the potential of refugees to enrich our societies. It is time to act with empathy and foresight, recognizing that in helping refugees, we ultimately help ourselves and our shared global future.

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The Refugee Crisis: A Call for Compassion and Action. (2020, Apr 06). Retrieved from