The United States Army

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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The United States Army is one of the oldest uniformed services in the country. We have the most important duty of engaging in ground warfare. We protect the borders of the United States. As a result of this important duty, we have a set of core values. The purpose of my paper is to analyze the core values of the Army. The seven core values of the Army represent what we stand for in ground warfare and safeguard integrity in the military.

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The first category of Army values comprises of loyalty, duty, and respect. Loyalty means swearing allegiance to the constitution of the United States (Arizona Coyotes, 2018). We should be loyal to the constitution, fellow soldiers, and the Army as a whole. Being loyal to the constitution implies that we must be loyal to our country. In the Army, we show loyalty in different ways. For example, we can fight for our fellow soldiers when they cannot. The case of George Thomas’ loyalty during the Civil War is an example of loyalty. We have the duty of fulfilling all the obligations given to us. The value of duty requires that we fulfill our obligations without requiring supervision or direction (U.S. Army, 2018). Duty focuses on moral and ethical abilities on us as opposed to our professionalism. We can adhere to this value differently. We can do it by sticking to the constitution or our orders. We can also do it by performing beyond expectations. The duty of the Harlem Hell Fighters during World War I is a classic example. The third Army value is respect. Respect involves treating each other the right way (Arizona Coyotes, 2018). This is a value that applies to everyone in the Army but starts with leaders. We as leaders should treat all soldiers with dignity irrespective of their positions. It is only through this that we can inspire our fellow soldiers.

Those of us who respect our juniors succeed in our missions. The case of Stanley McChrystal in the war in Afghanistan shows the importance of respect.

The second category of Army values comprises of selfless service and honor. Selfless service requires us to consider the welfare of our country (U.S. Army, 2018). Personal goals should not supersede the welfare of our country. Welfare also applies to the Army and our subordinates. Selfless service implies that each of us commits to giving our best in accomplishing our goals. When completing a mission, we should sacrifice our goals to protect our country. Selfless service in the army begins from us and goes down to our subordinates. Sergeant Major Daniel Daly is one of the soldiers in American history with this record. Honor in the Army means that we should live up to all the core values (Arizona Coyotes, 2018). It is the only way through which we prove our moral standings. It helps us to differentiate between what is right and wrong. When we join the Army, we swear to live up to its values. The Medal of Honor is the highest military award that we can receive. It proves that our moral standing in relation to the Army values is beyond reproach. This makes honor a very important value in the Army and to me. Over the years, the United States government has given 3,522 Medals of Honor.

The final category of Army values comprises of integrity and personal courage. Integrity means always doing what is right either legally or morally (U.S. Army, 2018). It is only by sticking to the moral principles that we can ensure integrity. Integrity means that we must be honest at all times with each other. The activities that we conduct should also not involve any deception. It is through integrity that we can trust each other. Even in cases when integrity comes at a personal cost, we should stick to it. This also helps us in developing positive relationships. The case of Friedrich Paulus at Stalingrad shows the effects of lack of integrity. The other value of the Army is personal courage. This is a value that requires us to accomplish our duties despite fear or risks (Arizona Coyotes, 2018). We face both physical and moral fear on a daily bases. However, this should not be at the expense of protecting our country’s borders. We must demonstrate the ability to overcome fear at all times. We should always be on the right side of morality. Those of us who show exemplary traits such as loyalty or integrity face such threats. To get the Medal of Honor, we must overcome those fears. This is especially true for those of us who act as role models to our juniors.

The United States Army plays a very important role in security. We ensure the protection of our country’s borders by taking part in ground warfare. We have a set of core values that we should follow. These values ensure that we stick to both our professional and moral responsibility. It ensures loyalty to our country.


Arizona Coyotes (2018). Army core values. U.S. Army (2018). Core values Retrieved


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The United States Army. (2019, Nov 26). Retrieved from