Gender Inequality: Causes and Impacts

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Gender Equality is “A state of having same rights, status and opportunities like others, regardless of one’s gender.” Gender inequality is “unequal treatment or perception of an individual based on their gender.” In the United States of America Gender Equality has progressed through the past decades. Due to different Cultural context, countries around the world lack Gender Equality. Gender inequality remains a issue worldwide, mainly in the Middle East and North Africa. Equality of Gender is normalized in the United States of America but is lacked worldwide.

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Countries around the world lack gender equality in the workplace, marriage, government, education and household roles.

Around the world Gender inequality has been a problem since ancient times. It is a problem that has been protested against, debated about and spoken for since the beginning of men and women interactions. This issue has been created through gender biases. The definition of Gender biases is “unequal treatment and expectations based on the sex of an individual.”

Gender Inequality in the workforce:

Before the Equal pay act of 1963, which was signed by John f Kennedy, women made 59 cents of every dollar men made. The Equal Pay act is a labor law aimed to abolish wage disparity based on sex. Although this act was signed, there is still an issue of Gender biases in labor work today. In modern time American Women make only 77 cents for every dollar that a man will earn. Three-in-Ten employed women say they have experienced some form of discrimination in the workplace. (Amy DelPo and Lisa Guerin (Nolo).

Although there is still a pay gap in the United States of America, in 155 other economies there is at least one law preventing women’s economic opportunities. For example: Argentinian women looking to set up their own liquor stores are prevented to do so, this is considered a profession for men in the country. (Kate davidson 2016). Argentinian women are also prohibited from polishing glass. Another example is In Madagascar, women aren’t allowed to write literature, create posters or publish any material. If a woman in Madagascar does so, then she will be punished by the law. All around the world there are restrictions for women to pursue the line of work they would want to achieve. (Kate davidson 2016).

Gender equality vs Inequality in Marriage:

Child marriage is a global problem that is within cultures and religions. Over 12 million girls marry before the age of 18 worldwide. In South Asia, 40 percent of young women are married by the age of 18. Eighteen percent of the girls in South Asia are married by the age of 15. Young woman in South Asia are forced to marry the men that their parent choose, in an arranged marriage. The young women are stripped from the right to choose if they would like to get married or pursue work. While men get to choose if they desire to have career or not. Global divorce rate for arranged marriages is 6.3%. (Girls Not Brides 2018-2019)

The minimum age for marriage in America is eighteen years old, but it varies by each state. For all states except two, a couple can marry at eighteen years old or older without the requirement for parental consent. In most states, couples are allowed to marry at a younger age with the consent of both parents or with judicial consent. Both genders have the right to marry who they want when they want. (GirlsNotBrides 2017).

Gender equality vs inequality in Education:

In the United States of America both genders are given the right to have a education. Granted the freedom to study from Preschool-Senior Year of college. (John Gramilich 2019). 57% of college students are women, while the percentage for men in college is 43%. Men are considered the new minority in college. Since 1979, women have been in higher education than men. The feminist movement sparked during the civil war, pushing women to demand equal rights in education, including discrimination of race. (John Gramilich 2019)

There are over 20 nations that stop women from getting an education. Discrimination against women and little girls and preventing them from learning. Over 100 million children are out of their studies in developing nations, over 50% are girls. In Cambodia, 15% of women seeking higher education. While women struggle to get their education, they suffer from domestic violence, marital rape and prostitution from the age of 13. In Pakistan the rate for women to get a education is the lowest in the world. Pakistan also has the second lowest rate of women employed. If women attempt to pursue an education in pakistan the taliban punish them. The taliban shot a 15-year-old girl named malala Yousafazai in the head for attempting to get a education. In Chad only 10% of girls have completed elementary school due to underaged marriages. Chadian women have to obey their husbands, while they dictate their lives. Women are stripped from the option to have an education around the world, while men are seen as superior and have more rights. (Jon marcus 2017).

In this modern time in America both genders are able to be a high government official. Today 30% of government official roles are reserved by women. On June 4,1919, congress passed the 19th amendment which gave women the right to vote. The 19th amendment was ratified in 1920. (Rutger university 2019) The first woman to run for president was Victoria Woodhull in 1872 (part of the equal rights party). 307 women have served in congress, about 47 of them as senators. Today there are 104 women serving in congress. Thirty women have served as cabinet secretaries. Out of those thirty women eight of them served under past president Barak Obama. Thirty-six women have served as governors, 22 democrats and 14 republicans. Currently 1,813 seats in state legislatures are held by women. (Henry Roseto, 2016)

In other countries around the world, women face the prevention of voting. In Vatican City, Rome women aren’t allowed to vote.In Vatican City the main Religion is catholic,meaning that there isn’t any government officials to vote for, they vote for a pope. In 2009 women in afghanistan were required to have permission from their husbands to vote.While Women do vote in afghanistan, they are protested and threatened with violence at the polls. In Nigeria only 7 women have been elected since 1975. Women in nigeria can’t buy votes from PNG because they aren’t allowed to have access to the same sources as men. In Zanzibar women were finally able to start voting in 2015, but most were divorced by their husbands who didn’t approve. Women lack gender equality around the world, restricting them from basic human rights such as voting. (Georgia Aspinall 2018)

As Gender inequality remains an issue worldwide, Nations fail to give women their rights. Countries around the world lack gender equality in the workplace, marriage, government, education and household roles. When society is based on religion and Cultures, it takes away human rights due to beliefs. With gender biases and Gender inequality, there will be no peace. It will affect countries going forward, causing violence, protests and a never ending fight for freedom of dictatorship.

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Gender Inequality: Causes and Impacts. (2021, Mar 05). Retrieved from