Social Impact of BTS Global Cultural Movement

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Social Impact of BTS Global Cultural Movement

This essay will explore the impact of the South Korean pop group BTS on globalization. It will discuss how BTS has influenced cultural exchange, music industry trends, and global youth culture. The piece will analyze the role of social media, digital platforms, and BTS’s unique brand in spreading Korean culture worldwide, and how this phenomenon reflects broader trends in globalization and cultural diversity. Also at PapersOwl you can find more free essay examples related to Globalization.

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Music has, for centuries, been a source of enjoyment and entertainment to the public. Throughout time, music has played an enormous role in a variety of important events throughout history. For instance, Woodstock brought together a huge gathering of youth who, as a whole, used music as a means of expressing their dissatisfaction with the politics of the age and the Vietnam War. One of the most impactful uses for music has been to bring people together to enjoy and inspire societal change.

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In contemporary times, one specific group that exemplifies this unifying power of music is none other than “the biggest boy band in the world,” BTS. BTS is a Korean pop, or K-pop group, who have recently taken over music charts and social media with their music and messages. BTS is currently having a huge impact not only on the entertainment industry but also on South Korean politics with their global success, messages of unity and empowerment, and their willingness to push the boundaries in a way that no other idol before them has.

BTS can credit a portion of their global success to their commitment and their ability to communicate across languages and cultures. They possess an appeal that transcends borders, captivating youth from diverse cultures as well as other age groups. This success can be attributed to their ability to speak, sing, and read in a variety of languages. They have performed, written, and recorded albums in English and Japanese, in addition to their native Korean. This linguistic versatility has been an enormous factor in the way so many cultures have embraced their talent and their message. Fans of all ages have taken the music as a gateway to learning new languages and have developed an interest in understanding and relating to other cultures. Kim Namjoon, the band's leader, was the first member to have an understanding of other cultures, particularly of the English language. He was instrumental in sharing this knowledge with his bandmates, motivating and inspiring a movement that now extends beyond a single genre. RM, as Namjoon is fondly referred to by fans, claims to have gained his knowledge of the language from the TV sitcom, “Friends.” He watched the show often with subtitles and then without, effectively training himself in the language. This anecdote highlights how creative pursuits lend themselves to the advancement of globalization, with the Internet and media making it easier to share previously inaccessible cultural outlets.

Understanding that they have the privilege of creative freedom rarely granted to entertainers from South Korea, BTS takes this responsibility seriously. They use their platform to broadcast messages of empowerment, unity, and self-love to their global audience. Furthermore, they address pressing political issues such as poverty and the generational challenges millennials face compared to baby boomers, including purchasing a home or affording a college education. For these reasons, the band has been recognized for their social justice efforts and are esteemed highly in their country for their work.

Beyond their lyrical messages, BTS has made significant financial contributions to social justice causes. They have spearheaded various campaigns to raise funds for charities and issues they deeply care about. One notable initiative was the "End Violence" campaign, which aimed to help youth avoid violent interactions. This effort culminated in BTS being invited to address the United Nations General Assembly, where Kim Namjoon delivered a speech urging young people to "Speak Themselves" by standing up for their rights and safety.

South Korea's mandatory military service requirement, which mandates that all males enlist by age 28, has become a point of discussion in light of BTS's influence. The band's impact on globalization and cultural diplomacy has prompted conversations about potentially revisiting this requirement for individuals or groups making significant contributions to the nation and the world. Although the possibility of exemption has been discussed, there is speculation that the band, given their sense of duty and loyalty, would choose to fulfill their military obligations regardless. This reflects the complex interplay between cultural expectations and personal convictions in South Korea.

While some critics might dismiss the band as mere pop music without substance, a closer examination of their work reveals a far different conclusion. BTS is actively bridging cultural divides, encouraging individuals to learn about their neighbors and fostering a global sense of community. Their efforts help us recognize our shared humanity, promoting empathy and understanding across cultures. By presenting other cultures in an accessible and relatable manner, BTS is contributing to a broader movement towards globalization and, potentially, world peace.

In conclusion, BTS's influence extends far beyond the realm of entertainment. Through their music, advocacy, and actions, they are reshaping cultural narratives and encouraging global unity. Their success serves as a testament to the power of music as a catalyst for change, reminding us that our similarities outweigh our differences and that a harmonious future is possible through collective effort and understanding.

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Social Impact of BTS Global Cultural Movement. (2019, Aug 05). Retrieved from