The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming: Protecting our Planet

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“We have a single mission: to PROTECT and hand on the planet to the next GENERATION.,” said Gecko Fly. The Greenhouse Effect refers to the problem caused by the increase of gases in the air, such as carbon dioxide. All these gases trap the heat from the sun in the atmosphere making the earth’s temperature increase. We need greenhouse gases in order to survive, but humans are adding extra carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, making a bigger impact on the earth’s atmosphere.

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The rise of Greenhouse gasses impacts the environment through the rising of the sea level, the migration of species, the impact of food shortages, and increasing allergens.

The Rising Sea Levels: A Grave Consequence of Greenhouse Effect

The rise of Greenhouse gases is impacting the environment because as the atmosphere warms up, the sea levels are rising. “Indeed, around 93 percent of the additional heat created by global warming has so far been absorbed into the ocean” (Adapt, pg.6). As the water gets warmer, it tends to expand. This expansion has been the predominant cause of sea-level rise but land-based glaciers and ice sheets have made an input on the issue too. In the last couple of years, they have noticed that global average sea levels have increased by 19 cm. This might not sound like a lot, but water covers 71 percent of the earth’s surface. Over time the contribution from ice melting is expected to increase. There’s going to be a point where there’s no land left for humans to live because everything is going to be covered by water. This issue is already affecting animal habitats like polar bears, Loss of polar bear habitat is a well-documented greenhouse effect. As global temperatures rise, polar ice melts, reducing the natural habitat of polar bears and other cold-weather creatures, but polar bears are not the only species affected. Also, it’s causing destruction and wetland floodings that are affecting us humans. Rising seas are one of the climate change effects, “Average sea levels have swelled over 8 inches(23cm) since 1880, with about 3 of these inches gained in the last 25 years. Every year, the sea rises another .13 inches (3.2mm).” (Nunez, pg.1)

Species Migration: Adjusting to a Changing Habitat

The greenhouse effect affects the migration of species because it forces animals to leave their normal habitat because with the weather changing, they’re not used to the new changes. Animal instincts pressure many animal behaviors, like hibernation and mating seasons. Many of these instincts are based totally on temperature. For instance, bears recognize that when temperatures fall as winter processes, it is the time to hibernate. The greenhouse effect will increase temperature, placing the herbal intuition to hibernate on hold. Mating seasons count on warming and cooling trends, as well. Even a slight expansion in temperature causes animals to mate earlier. “Rising coastal waters attributed to the greenhouse effect wash away natural breeding grounds and coastal habitats. Animals living on the coast move farther inland and try to take over the natural habitat of other species, causing battles between species for food and space.” (Banks, Pg.4). This causes more problems because now we have animals having to fight for a new home and others to protect their current ones. Acid rain traps greenhouse gases that poison water, affecting fish, plant, and animal life, especially in self-contained water sources like lakes and ponds. Acid rain causes timber to die, reducing the herbal habitat for animals and resulting in migration to new areas. When animals migrate, there is more competition for food; however, with fewer plant sources of food survival of some animal species is threatened.

The Dire Implications on Food Security

Greenhouse gases have also made an impact on food shortages as well. However, there is plenty of food still available to humans over the years; it is going to be a huge problem. Without food, we can not survive; the prices of food will rise due to the shortage of food production due to conditions not being favorable for crop production. “The United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) states that local weather change is elevating serious doubts about meals availability: in its remaining biennial report on the country of world food and agriculture, it warns that a decline in agricultural production would result in food shortages, most severely affecting sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.” (Iberdrola, pg. 3) This means that if we do not start to control this and get ahead of these problems, a lot of people will die. Climate change is already affecting agriculture, with outcomes inconsistently disbursed across the world. Future climate trade will, in all likelihood, negatively have an effect on crop manufacturing in low-latitude countries, while consequences in northern latitudes may be positive or negative. Many people or industries rely on food that comes from the ocean; for example, fisheries depend on unique climate conditions, and because of greenhouse gases, it tampers with the habitat. Temperature adjustments can cause habitat ranges and crop planting dates to shift and droughts and floods, and this may prevent farming practices.

The Unanticipated Rise in Allergens

The Greenhouse Effect can cause things you would never think of, for instance, an increase in allergens. The World Health Organization has a serious concern on this topic. They state, “Global warming will cause infectious diseases such as malaria, cholera or dengue to spread to many more areas of the planet.” (Iberdrola, pg.6) This will cause many pandemics in the future, and we will not be able to pass the next generations on our earth. Climate change is expected to affect air quality, including the production and allergenicity of allergens and a rise in regional concentrations of ozone, particles, and dust. Many of these pollutants can lead to respiratory diseases and will affect a lot of children and the elderly. Greenhouse gases have an impact on our air quality, carbon dioxide concentrations, and temperatures. They affect the timing of aeroallergen distribution and increase the allergenicity of pollen and mold spores. Data reports show that air pollution can cause asthma, and climate change, increasing water and air pollution, which causes and triggers chronic respiratory disease. As a result of increased temperatures, ground-level ozone will rise, which causes airway inflammation and damages the lung tissue. Ground-level ozone is created by a chemical reaction between oxygen oxide and organic compounds when exposed to sunlight; this can hurt many people who have respiratory issues and asthma. An increase in temperature from the greenhouse gases will cause plants like a flower to bloom earlier and raise the amount of carbon dioxide emitted. The changes in temperatures cause an increase in the concentration of pollen in the air. The strength of all the pollen and mold may make people that do not currently have allergies develop allergic symptoms. We can only take one step at a time in order to grow and ensure our planet gets passed down through generations, we need the people, and the greenhouse effect is affecting the community’s health, so we need to get on the problem.

Conclusion: A Plea for Collective Action

The Greenhouse effect is creating excessive damage to our earth. It is our job to maintain our planet healthy. We are the main reason why greenhouse gases are increasing, and as individuals, we should all start by doing things that will benefit us all as a species. It is as simple as recycling, planting a tree, or just using less hot water. Moreover, due to the greenhouse effect and how it increases the earth’s temperature, it is leading to more climatic problems than we normally have. If we can work together and combat this problem, we can decrease greenhouse gasses and reduce our carbon footprints.

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The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming: Protecting Our Planet. (2023, Jun 18). Retrieved from