Global Warming is Real: Unveiling the Impact on Climate and Civilization

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Updated: Aug 28, 2023
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Global warming is a very controversial topic that many people have different opinions about. Earth is the only planet in the Solar System on which life has developed. It was possible thanks to the atmosphere and the right temperature. On our planet, it is not as cold as on Mars or as hot as on Venus. Maintaining the proper temperature of the Earth is due to solar radiation and the protective role of the atmosphere.

Composition and Role of the Earth’s Atmosphere

The Earth’s atmosphere is a gas coat consisting mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.

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It stretches to a height of about 434 miles above the surface of the Earth. The atmosphere stops some of the heat radiation, which prevents its escape into space. Thanks to this, the Earth does not cool down, and the average temperature at its surface is about 60 degrees F; without the atmosphere, it would be – 65 degrees F. There is an overall warming trend, which has an impact on climate and civilization that is scientifically proven by many independent research and researchers.Many types of research suggest that global warming is a reasonable threat.

Understanding the Greenhouse Effect

The phenomenon of the planet’s temperature increase is caused by the retention of some of the radiation from the Sun by the atmosphere is called the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that contributed to the birth and evolution of our planet. In the formation of the greenhouse effect phenomenon, the gases accumulated in the upper atmosphere layer play an important role: water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and others. These are greenhouse gases. They form a gas envelope around the Earth, through which it easily penetrates the short-wave solar radiation that heats the Earth’s surface.

The thermal radiation radiated from the Earth rises into the upper atmosphere, and there is a large part of it trapped by greenhouse gases. This is similar to the effect that can be observed in a greenhouse, where the glass is used to retain heat. Greenhouse gases have different heat retention capacities. Hence, their uneven impact on global warming. The most important effects are the presence of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane. If the amount of greenhouse gases increase in the atmosphere, they will retain too much heat, which can cause a rise in temperature and climate change on Earth.

Consequences and Mitigation of Global Warming

Greenhouse gases include, above all, water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, Freon, and nitrogen oxides. As a result of global warming, the level of the oceans and seas may rise, and consequently, floods of low-lying areas, violent storms, cyclones, hurricanes, floods, displacement of climate zones, and the organisms present in them. One of the ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere is the use of renewable energy sources, for example, solar, wind, water, and geothermal plants. On the other hand, many types of research demonstrate that a warming climate is not a forthcoming danger. The scientific models used do not prove that. There is not enough data to support the theory.

Carbon Dioxide: A Major Culprit

Further researchers suggest that the most important of gases is carbon dioxide, well known as CO2, which is exhaled by the vast majority of living organisms. However, this has always been the case, and it is not the respiratory processes that cause a constant increase in the CO2 content in the atmosphere. This natural phenomenon is offset by the binding of CO2 to plants through photosynthesis dissolution in the oceans and the formation of sediments. Huge amounts of carbon dioxide are produced by various industries, which are based mainly on fossil fuels like coal and crude oil.

Transition to Renewable Energy Sources

They are organic substances and therefore contain carbon. During the technological processes of combustion of this element, CO2 is created and released into the atmosphere. Thus, it is created at the work of power plants and factories while burning gasoline in car engines and during normal burning in the furnace to heat the house. We cannot do much without this energy, but we can get it in a different way.

Anticipating Climate Changes and Impacts

Currently, there is a global tendency to abandon fossil fuels and replace them with other types of energy – wind, solar, hydro, or nuclear, in the production of which there are no CO2 emissions. However, these are changes that need time and money, so the change happens very slowly. Yet, the warming effect is not even – while in some places, conditions will improve, in others, there will be drought or excessive rainfall.

The current climatic conditions will change unpredictably, which may have catastrophic consequences for crops. Let’s also remember that the increase in temperature at the poles causes the melting of glaciers and ice sheets. As a result, the level of water in the oceans will rise, which may threaten the complete flooding of many big coastal cities.With all evidence provided, global warming has an impact on climate and civilization that is scientifically proven.We can hardly predict the exact effects of global warming. Let us just hope that we will be able to slow down this process and avoid a global catastrophe. The Earth changed many times during its existence. Such changes are a natural phenomenon resulting from the interaction of many factors. At present, we have no doubts that it was the industrial activity of man that caused a rapid jump in temperature on Earth. This process is still ongoing, and it cannot be stopped. We can only do our best to slow this down.

Works Cited

    1. IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. 
    2. Archer, D. (2012). Global warming: understanding the forecast. John Wiley & Sons.
    3. Solomon, S., Qin, D., Manning, M., Chen, Z., Marquis, M., Averyt, K. B.& Miller, H. L. (2007). Climate Change 2007-the physical science basis: Working group I contribution to the fourth assessment report of the IPCC. Cambridge University Press.
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Global Warming is Real: Unveiling the Impact on Climate and Civilization. (2023, Jun 18). Retrieved from