The Author of the Passage “Fracking Contributes to Global Warming”

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Updated: May 02, 2022
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Louis believed that fracking has gone to the “extreme” nowadays since a great deal of the “conventional reservoirs have been exploited” to extract gas and oil. According to Allstadt conventional gas and oil is the process of penetrating down the top of the rock, “an impervious rock that has trapped oil and gas underneath it, until the gas pressure will surge up the oil and gas.” The author is bothered with the big oil companies exploiting the technique to find more of those reservoirs, especially in The United States and Europe and some parts of The Middle East.

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The article mentioned some of the oil companies have agreed that they need to go into “nonconventional shale or tight sand drilling or get into much deeper waters, however this could possibly endanger The Artic and Antarctic regions.” The author is frustrated with the fact that oil companies reassure the consumers that drilling, and fracking have been around for a year, using that rhetoric to abstract more oil and gas from Earth. The problem here is allowing the oil companies to pump more than it is needed to benefit their pockets. He is concerned whether methane would penetrate through the rocks and make it the aquifers and atmosphere. Aquifers are one of the sources we get drinking water. He stated that methane is a dangerous greenhouse gas that if release with more frequency, it will cause damage to the atmosphere and eventually to humans among other living beings.

The second passage starts off by stating a fact supporting the idea that “Fracking Does Not contribute to Global Warming”. The author presented a study done by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, which is a private and non-governmental organization, indicating that “hydraulic fracturing does not contribute to global warming “even though every other research done about this matter have shown otherwise. The writer supports oil companies vastly, appealing to the idea of fracking technology to find more reservoirs. In the passage the author interviewed a representative from ExxonMobil whom clearly was biased and had positive comments about the study. The composer voiced that “hydraulically fractured natural gas wells have surface equipment reducing on the ground methane emissions by 99%” (Davenport). On the other hand, he contradicted himself stating that some methane can escape thorough the pumping valves, but it is only 30 percent above of the EPA normal levels. The study was supervised by the University of Texas with funding from oil and gas companies as stated by the writer. Researchers from The University of Texas said that their study is more thorough than any other studies, which was done in a year. The writer in this passage did not convince me his side was authentic.

The use of hydraulic fracking to extract oil and gas from the ground has been around for more than 50 years. Fracking using very high-pressure water injection pushed chemicals and sand into shale deposits to oil and gas trapped underneath the rocks. Along with horizontal drilling, and other various types of technology to accumulate reservoirs of oil and gas that long ago were speculated impossible to get to. (National Geographic. The ramification of the change in sea levels are problematic, but the repercussion are certain. As mentioned by many sources fracking is a not the best solution if we want to protect and maintain mother Earth intact, but it has been used for many years to provide power to the consumers. Furthermore, oil and gas have been used for years to sustain the human species. 

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The author of the passage “Fracking Contributes to Global Warming”. (2022, May 02). Retrieved from