Advantages and Disadvantages of Fracking

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Updated: Apr 30, 2024
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The injection of liquid into the ground at a really high pressure to take out oil and gas and to force opening of existing fissures is called fracking. It possesses some serious risks for the environment and to the people . Fracking has made the U.S production of oil and natural gas increase and it has also made more jobs for people. Fracking made the energy prices lower but is t worth the risk?  fracking is causing a lot of problems for the people.

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The major down of fracking is that it pollutes the water and the air. The chemicals used during fracking contaminate the groundwater which people use. It also cause earthquakes to happen.

Fracking is contaminating the water and supplies. This affects us so much since we use water for everything. It’s affecting everyone but especially the people that leave close to the frack sites. A documentary from a guy that investigated fracking shows that the water from people that live close to where fracking is happening is turning brown, causing animals and plants to die and prejudicing people’s health. The companies negates that fracking contaminates the water, they affirm that the chemicals are not bad o the water and to us.

Some states have already made laws that  banned fracking. Fracking should be banned from the US, the environmental costs and health risks outweigh the economy benefits but the companies don’t see it, the only thing they see is that they are making more money. Fracking also increases the potential for oil spills, which can be harmful to soil and vegetation.

Fracking also causes earthquakes to happen . Any activities that can change the stresses in the Earth’s surface can be a cause of earthquakes.  Like I said before fracking definitions is to inject liquid in the ground at a high pressure, that high pressure causes earthquakes. It can cause earthquakes even in areas that it doesn’t usually happens.

Im conclusion fracking has it’s good sides and its bad sides. It benefits us in some ways but it is bad in many other ways. The damage in the environmental and health risks for the people outweighs the benefits of it. Fracking is putting people in risk, its putting our lives at risk. Fracking should not be allowed anywhere specially where people live. It’s not worth the risk.

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Advantages and Disadvantages Of Fracking. (2020, Feb 10). Retrieved from