The 7th President of the United States

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Andrew Jackson was the 7th president of the United States in 1829 and it ended in 1837, he served two terms and had a big effect on the early colonization of the United States. Andrew Jackson was also a soldier and led troops through the Creek War in 1813, and as a result; winning the war. Andrew Jackson also owned many slaves and wanted to produce as much cotton as possible, resulting in owning over 300 slaves and over 400 acres of land. Andrew Jackson did a lot of great things for our country, but some citizens say that his presidency term was controversial and some acts were illegal .

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Andrew Jackson also had many legacies and views on National Banks, Nullification politics, the Indian Removal Policies, Pocket Vetoes and more.

One belief that Andrew Jackson had was national banks. Commonly known as the Bank War, a fight to close a second bank. Jackson believed that the second bank was to blame for the Panic of 1837. The panic of 1837 that lasted until the 1940’s , and as a result in large profits and prices to be cut leaving the unemployment rate to go up. Leaving United State citizens with fear of corruption. Andrew Jackson also believed that having state banks would result to banks having too much economic power. Jackson feared that banks can give to big of loans (credit) to people and people not playing them back, leaving debt rates to go up.

Another belief Andrew Jackson had was on federal laws, at one point imposing a proclamation in the state of South Carolina. Jackson believed that it was a state right to have a federal law, leaving South Carolina and other states to stop having tariffs because Jackson believe it was unconstitutional. The tariff acts got so extreme that Jackson had military action in South Carolina and other states just if the citizens did not obey the new law, this was called The Force Act. The nullifiers believed that this law was to help the North manufacturing companies and making the Southlands pay for it. However, in the early 1830’s the compromise was accepted by South Carolina ending the nullification crisis.

One little fun fact about Andrew Jackson was that he was a killer. The story goes that Andrew Jackson and a man named Charles Dickson had a race on horseback, concluding with Dickson winning the race. Later the two would go back to the bar for a couple of drinks. After the two were buzzed, Dicksion started to say unwise words to Jackson’s wife. Jackson realized what was being said and offered Dicksion to a duel outside,unfortunately Dicksion agreed, The two went outside and took 5 steps and quickly turned around. Charles shot first hitting Jackson in the chest, then Andrew shot Charles resulting in Charles Dickinson’s death. As a result of that incident, Andrew Jackson tried having the bulliet taken out of his chest, but it was two close to his heart, so it was unable to come out. As Andrew Jackson was running for presidency, many americans didn’t want to have a leader that is a known murderer. Many opposed to having Andrew as a president, but still won the election.

Another reason Andrew Jackson’s presidency was controversial was his beliefs on some of his legicices. One of many legacies Jackson wanted to impose was the Indian removal act in the 1830’s. A brief summary of the indian removal act was Jackson wanted to move all the current Indians living on the lands with state borders down to the unsettled lands in the west. As a result, many tribes respectfully left, while one tribe called the Cherokees refused to leave. The Cherokees refused to leave because all of their belongings were already there. However, Jackson thought different and forced them out with government intervention. As a result, left the act with a term called a Trail of Tears, leaving 4,000 deaths of indians on their march to the new lands from the harsh weather and hunger.

Another legacy Andrew Jackson used was a term called Pocket Veto. Pocket Veto is making a bill that has been passed from Congress and the Legislative branch, and still not passing it, holding onto the bill until the time (10 days) has passed, dismissing the bill. Andrew Jackson did a total of twelve vetoes and seven of them were pocket vetoes. Some of the pocket vetoes were bills for better water navigation, stock companies, improvements in water services such as harbors and directing surveys. These vetoes would leave american citizens to dislike Jackson because of the ignorance of these bills that were really important, but still not being passed.

Andrew Jackson also focused heavily on the national debt. National debt was important to Jackson that he actually paid it off by having lands for sale and government duty revenue available, resulting in the first time in history with the national debt being at zero. Jackson passed a law that people buying these government lands had to pay in gold or silver, so the banks can not accept them and lowing the amount of printed money to go down, stopping the inflation rate.

Towards the end of Andrew Jackson life, he was still a supporter the Federal Union and wanted it to carry on for the future. In his early retirement, many citizens disliked Jackson for the blame of the Panic of 1837, but later began to gain respect for the compromise acts against tariffs and overall slowing down banks progression with loans that would result in a higher percentage in debts. As Andrew Jackson’s age progressed he began to become ill, doctors told Andrea that he was feeling ill because of poison from a bullet that were stuck in his chest from the dull against Charles Dickinson. Andrew Jackson would die on June 8th of 1845, at a age of 78 years old.

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The 7th President of the United States. (2021, Mar 01). Retrieved from