Technological Innovations in Sales and Marketing

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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How it works

Technological innovations have made sales and marketing of products to be straightforward. Currently, the introduction of order management system enabled Fosfatfree Company to make their sales, manage their customer’s accounts and receive their bills.

The company does this by the use of mobile phones or tablets that have the order management system. The system is simple to use, and therefore clients can log into it on their own, or they can be assisted by sales agents who then, in turn, receive a commission of five percent.

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The customers and the agents can get online, use their phones to log into the system and register themselves if they are first time users.

They will be given a user ID then they proceed to create their username under the ID that they have been given. The management then receives their application and authenticates their loggings and once registered can now place their orders. The already users, on the other hand, can just log in and check all the products that are available then make their request. The only difference arises when the salespersons are assisting the customers.

In this case, the sales agents will have to talk with the clients and create their profile at the same time they, therefore, liaise with the central office which relays to them the current stock and the all the relevant information that they would need to assist their clients. Once the process of authentication is done the user logs in with their ID and password, and after validation, the system automatically displays all the products available to give the user a chance to select the item of their choice. The system allows them for keying in the quality of the product and afterward, the system displays the quantity of stock that is available.

Immediately after making their order, the system gives them the shipping date that they are expected to receive their order. If they need another item again, the system will allow them to select the product and give the quality, and if in the stock, the gives them the shipping date. The same process will continue until they choose all the products they want. The products once delivered the customers check their quality as the deliverer scans the barcodes to capture the client’s signature then the order is automatically received in the system and marked as a completed order.

If the client is satisfied, he/she makes a payment since the had already received an invoice twenty days before the delivery. However, in a case where the goods are damaged, the client will have to make a return request by email, and the system automatically receives it and gives them a return goods authentication form which they fill and resend via the email. If received and matched, the customer is delivered for the quality and goods that they requested.

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Technological innovations in sales and marketing. (2019, Apr 05). Retrieved from