Social Network: ‘Double-Edged Sword’ is not Easy to Use

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Updated: May 01, 2022
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Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest. A ‘like’ here, once “tweeted” there, once ‘selfie’ on Instagram, and account updates on Linked In… Every day we all participated in the social networking community. But when concludes this becomes a concern? More people use the Internet to find information, programs that use the Internet to broadcast, use social networks to connect, expand relationships and organizations, and some of them use the Internet to express their views, and report events that have done social networking, the internet becomes ‘an essential part of life.

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’ The Internet has helped spread data faster, and wider by the method of dispersal the information. Thus, struggling people get helped by the people using the network in several ways, many social movements volunteers are spreading, many good examples and much warning information is shared, many policy suggestions… helps society better, more humane and ethnic solidarity. But also, from social networks, many organizations and individuals met annoyance, even offended, libelous, disturb the life.

One of the most prominent social networking cases represents Elonis v. United Stated, 12-3798 (10/28/2016), The third Circuit confirms Elonis’s belief of the Facebook threat. the Supreme court rejected the original refusal of Elonsis’s circuit. As a matter of lawful interpretation, the offense under 18 USC § 875, transmitting a threat to wound others in federal commerce, cannot be based solely on an objective criterion. (whether an average person will suffer the words as a legitimate threat). There must be a bigger rea mismatch request. They refused to specify area man of recklessness would be enough. However, the Supreme Court wrote that the jury should have been instructed that Elonis could be sentenced if it discovered him ‘transmitting a communication to release a threat or possess knowledge that the Contact will constitute a threat. ‘ Third Circuit found that the guidance of the first instance court contained objective criteria as harmless. Elonis testified at the trial that his writings were just rap lyrics or sarcastic; that he never intended for anyone to feel like he was threatening them; and that he does not care what others think or talk about him. Some of his writings contain statements that say they are fictitious, not meant to describe real people and that he was simply exercising his right to modify the first. The government argued at the closing that even though the jury assumed that all Elonis said they could still set him because ‘it does not matter what he thinks.’ However, with Eloise’s testimony and government closure, the third chip was found harmless because the government issued evidence beyond the suspicion that the defendant personally knew his information is considered a threat. For the belief based on the article discussing his ex-wife, the Third Circuit pointed out that following a PFA hearing in which his ex-wife cited to write Facebook as threatening, Elonis continued to submit similar lyrics. For the belief based on the article discussing the state police, elementary school, and FBI staff, the third circuit quarrels that because Elonis knew the article contained very similar lyrics discussing the former His colleagues produced them feel threatened, which he knew the specific posts would make people feel threatened as well. . Besides, when you exercise freedom of speech, but when you utilize it in the undesirable place and people will see your words as a threat. Social networking brings people together, but also publicly what you share on your personal profile, and once you share your story, it will be retained in some way.

So, we should be careful if we do not want to attract attention, especially from bad people or things that will affect our daily lives. As in Elonis’s case, he expresses his feelings, selfishness, and hatred that cause the viewer to feel scared by what he writes, so when the case is over In court, everyone cannot stand on his side when people do not know he intends to injure those around him, because he has established and preferred him the way to make people look into thinking he remains a bad guy and should stay away. In addition, social networking retains frequently perform with the way it presents something when a negative thing comes out, or the violent scenes come upon an annual basis, resulting in them. I will perceive that as an inevitable consequence. No one else, children and adolescents will be most affected because they are in the process of physical and psychological change. When a child plays too much cyber-violence, they are immune and gradually behave as they see online, and from that point on, there are many pitfalls, like gun violence at school. Brown v. The Entertainment Merchants Association has prevented these events by limiting the age of purchase of violent games and obtaining parental consent. This is a tremendous step forward, helping to prevent these unfortunate events. Backs to Elonis, when people feel threatened because they see him as a danger to everyone, so when the case is made more serious than he thinks it is harmless because that hurt and scared people around. The most predominant drawback that people need to consider is security issues. As the Internet is widely used in different aspects of life such as business or education, users,’ privacy can run a risk of invasion by hackers, causing their personal information to be leaked. Furthermore, in the virtual world where people are connected and access is unlimited, it is a good opportunity for scammers and cybercriminals to approach their “preys.” Another bad side of this tool is the spread of false or inappropriate information. Every day or even every hour, an amount of information is freely uploaded and shared without any restrictions. As a result, many people exploit this to distribute fake news for their advantage, which can hurt a large scale. Moreover, the availability of entertainment on the Internet also makes unhealthy materials more accessible than ever, leading to a rise in behavioral problems, especially juvenile delinquency. Finally, the Internet is additive. Nowadays, people are likely to spend hours surfing the web, it can be at class, it can be at work or lunch, anywhere and at any time. Sometimes it may become a distraction, causing them to work ineffectively. Watching your favorite film or finishing work that’s a hard question. Besides, some people are so addicted that they live in the virtual world more than in the real world. They tend to express their feelings and opinions freely on the social network while being rather reserved in the outside world and lacking interaction with others around them.

Also, social networking is where you can not trust, like the way Facebook has allowed Cambridge Analytica to illegally access data from 50 million US users in the 2016 presidential election campaign. The most alarming part of the scandal involving Cambridge Analytica is that the media Do not violate any regulations. Everything happens by Facebook’s policies. This scandal raises a problem with Facebook’s way of exploiting user data. This company makes money by collecting user data and selling them back to the app developers, and advertisers. Therefore, users can hardly stop personal data from being traded to third parties, nor can they determine what their purpose is. The scandal involving Cambridge Analytica can speed up the user’s frustration with Facebook. Social networks are more and more easily manipulated by political and government organizations. Finally, the culprit in the scandal exposed this information in the eyes of the American public, not Cambridge Analytica or Russia but Facebook. Nowadays, the Internet has become a bridge that connects people all over the world. Besides its paramount importance, it also poses hidden risks to users. In the first place, it can put severe strains on our family and social relationships. If users are addicted to the Internet, they tend to separate from the real world and immerse themselves in a virtual world. As a result, nothing is of no interest to them at all. Secondly, the Internet also exerts a strong influence on the efficiency of work. Take students as an example, in class; they prefer to think about online video games, and films, rather than listen to what their teachers are saying. This will seriously result in their studying quality. Moreover, the dependence on the Internet can be a major obstacle to developing people’s creativity. Instead of thinking independently, people often take advantage of diverse sources of information on the Internet to finish their tasks as soon as possible. Last but not least, our personal information can be leaked due to hackers or lose control of data security organizations. This can put us in danger and indirectly affect our lives. To put it briefly, the innovation of the Internet has contributed to improving every aspect of our life but we also should take its pros and cons into consideration whenever using it.

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Social Network: 'Double-Edged Sword' Is Not Easy to Use. (2022, May 01). Retrieved from