SHARP in the Army: a Crucial Initiative for Change
In our Army today, there is a continuous and vital emphasis on the SHARP (Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention) program, a topic of paramount importance discussed with both seasoned and new soldiers. But why is it that we persistently conduct the same training every quarter, every year, at every unit and location, regardless of Military Occupational Specialty (MOS)? The answer lies in the program's critical role in preserving the integrity and reputation of "America's Greatest Fighting Force." The Army is acutely aware of the negative impact that sexual harassment and assault have on its ranks, not only affecting the morale and cohesion of units but also drawing significant public, political, and media scrutiny.
This essay seeks to delve deeper into the reasons behind the persistent focus on SHARP, its effectiveness, and areas for improvement.
Rising Reports and Increased Awareness
In recent years, as the Army has expanded, the statistics for SHARP-related cases have seen a significant rise. Comparing reports from 2008, with approximately 2,923 cases, to those in 2016, which surged to 6,172, one might initially perceive this as a failure of training. However, a closer examination reveals a more nuanced picture. The increase in reported cases can be partially attributed to improvements in reporting procedures and the growing confidence among victims that these mechanisms will shield them from potential backlash from leadership and peers. Victims are increasingly leveraging available resources, such as medical care and counseling, which underscores a growing belief in the efficacy of the SHARP program. This shift indicates that many individuals have found their voice, empowered by the support structures in place.
Alcohol, Age, and Familiarity
A significant portion of sexual assault and harassment incidents within the Army involves alcohol, which is a contributing factor in over half of the reported cases. The demographics of victims predominantly fall within the 18-24 age range, highlighting a vulnerability among younger soldiers. Moreover, the perpetrators are often individuals known to the victims, rather than strangers. This familiarity can foster a false sense of security, leading to situations where boundaries are crossed. A cultural acceptance of inappropriate behavior has exacerbated the issue, making the aftermath of such incidents particularly challenging for victims. The pain of the initial assault is often compounded by the emotional and psychological burden that follows. These incidents reveal a failure among some soldiers to adhere to Army Values, and a reluctance to intervene when witnessing questionable behavior.
Training and Leadership Accountability
The SHARP program's quarterly and annual trainings are instrumental in addressing sexual assault and harassment within the Army. The increased willingness of victims to report incidents is a testament to the program's growing trustworthiness. However, there remains a need for deeper engagement with the training material. Soldiers must view these sessions as tools to build confidence in preventing assaults, rather than mere obligations. Encouragingly, the training emphasizes vigilance and intervention, empowering soldiers to act decisively when they observe potential threats. Ending sexual harassment and assault requires a collective effort across all levels of leadership. Leaders must model appropriate behavior, set the right examples, and cultivate an environment where accountability is the norm. This cultural shift should extend beyond formal training sessions, permeating daily interactions at the platoon and squad levels. Additionally, the Army must continuously evaluate and improve safety measures, ensuring they are effective for all soldiers, irrespective of rank or gender. Swift and decisive action is essential when addressing infractions, avoiding prolonged delays that can exacerbate harm.
Army Cohesion and Effectiveness
The repercussions of a sexual harassment or assault incident within a unit are far-reaching, affecting team dynamics, mission readiness, and the overall environment. Despite the rising number of reported cases, this trend should be viewed through a positive lens. More survivors are stepping forward, contributing to a cultural transformation that reinforces the Army's status as "America's Greatest Fighting Force." The SHARP program's guidelines have fostered an atmosphere where soldiers feel safer and more confident in disclosing incidents. By highlighting that sexual assault and harassment can affect anyone, regardless of gender, age, or race, the Army underscores the universal relevance of the program. This commitment is enshrined in AR 600-20 (Army Command Policy, Chapter 8), which outlines the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program, reinforcing the message that such behavior will not be tolerated.
In conclusion, the SHARP program remains an essential component of the Army's efforts to combat sexual harassment and assault. While there have been significant strides in empowering victims and fostering a culture of accountability, continuous improvement is necessary. By strengthening training, enhancing leadership engagement, and ensuring swift action against infractions, the Army can uphold its values and maintain its esteemed reputation. Ultimately, the responsibility to eradicate sexual assault and harassment lies with every individual soldier, emphasizing the importance of collective vigilance and unwavering commitment to the Army's core values.

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SHARP in the Army: A Crucial Initiative for Change. (2019, Nov 16). Retrieved from