Sexual Assault Response Program

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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Sexual assault and harassment are an issue that has been going on for much too long. The worst part is that the amount of reports is increasing in our military today, between our own brothers and sisters in arms. It is hard to understand that us as humans who are advancing in technology and resolving so many issues throughout intensive study, still can not prevent or in this case even decrease criminal human behavior. We go through life thinking that this is something you hear about on the news, or the people around you, but it will never happen to you and unfortunately, we are sadly mistaken.

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Nobody is safe, both genders are a potential victim due to alcohol misuse, lack of camaraderie, and chain of command doing the wrong thing.

Alcohol has influenced perpetrators and victims. Thus, alcohol alone is not the problem, it is what situations we put ourselves in while using alcohol. Reading multiple SHARP cases, you can observe that many instances can be avoided. A trusted group of individuals or putting a limit to your alcohol to remain conscious and aware of your decisions. According to an article by Corey Adwar “Almost half of female service members who reported being sexually assaulted in the past year said they or their assailant had been drinking alcohol.”

Camaraderie is something is dying in The Army, and it shows when your brother or sister in arms is a victim of SHARP. When a Soldier sexually assaults or harasses another Soldier it should make you revaluate your brotherhood and respect for one each other. If the Chain of the Command is doing the wrong thing, then leaders need to exercise camaraderie more often. The wrong thing is not reporting, not enforcing, or not taking SHARP briefs seriously. Worst of all, when a Soldier has leaders who are the ones who put them in the situation to become a victim.

Realistically, there is no solution to putting an end to sexual violence in the military. Sexual violence will always be a reoccurring problem. The only thing we can do is decrease and minimize sexual violence by reevaluating our approach, our ranks, and our training to SHARP. Currently the approach we have to our training now is failing because the majority thinks its irrelevant and does not apply to them. The minority sees the great significance and is enforcing The Army Command policy for a safer army. It is imperative that everyone works together to end the issue of sexual assault and harassment in The Army. IAW AR 600-20-chapter 8-2 appendix A. “Sexual assault is a criminal offense that has no place in the Army.”

The work environment that The Army is in, is not safe for service members. Some live with fear from either already being a victim or being a potential victim of sexual assault. The Army still has service members who can not moderate alcohol or control their decisions while impaired. It is up to all soldiers, especially leaders to show integrity always. We need to show camaraderie by respecting each other and making sure all service members prevent unsafe environments. 

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Sexual Assault Response Program. (2021, Nov 21). Retrieved from