Starbucks Case: Implicit Bias Study

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Implicit bias is a psychological concept that helps explain why certain incidents, such as the Philadelphia Starbucks incident, occur. This essay will explore how implicit bias and stereotype activation contributed to the unfortunate events at Starbucks, as well as the role social media played in amplifying the incident. By delving into these issues, we hope to uncover the underlying causes and effects of implicit bias in society.

Implicit bias refers to the unconscious attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions.

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These biases are automatic and are often triggered by specific objects or situations (Dovidio, Gaertner, Kawakami, 2002). They are deeply ingrained in our subconscious through various life experiences, cultural influences, and social interactions (Rudman, 2004). While individuals may not consciously act on these biases, they can influence behavior in subtle and often unrecognized ways.

One of the primary sources of implicit bias is affective experiences, which are emotion-based experiences that can leave lasting impressions on an individual (Rudman, 2004). For instance, an individual who has a negative emotional encounter with someone of a different race may develop implicit biases against that group. To mitigate these biases, emotional reconditioning is necessary; this involves consciously working to alter these ingrained attitudes over time (Rudman, 2004). Other contributors to implicit bias include past experiences, cultural stereotypes, and cognitive balance principles (Rudman, 2004). These elements become embedded within our unconscious, influencing our thoughts and actions without explicit awareness.

The incident at the Philadelphia Starbucks provides a clear example of how implicit bias can manifest in real-world situations. In April of the previous year, two African American men were arrested while waiting for a business partner at a Starbucks location. They had not purchased any items and were denied restroom access (Neuman, 2018). The arrest, captured on video by other customers, quickly ignited a firestorm of controversy and criticism directed at Starbucks.

The former Starbucks employee who called the police on these men likely harbored implicit biases against African Americans. These biases may have stemmed from previous negative experiences, societal stereotypes, and cultural narratives that painted African Americans in a negative light. Fear and hostility, often emotion-driven, influenced the employee's decision to involve law enforcement, transforming unconscious biases into conscious actions.

Stereotype Activation

Another critical factor in the Starbucks incident was the activation of stereotypes. Stereotype activation occurs when certain attributes associated with a particular social group become more accessible in one's mind, leading to automatic categorization (Wheeler, Petty, 2001). This mental process can occur subtly or blatantly and can shape social behaviors and interactions.

Once stereotypes are activated, they can influence an individual's behavior, often without conscious awareness. Research has shown that stereotypes can be triggered by even the slightest presence of a characteristic associated with a stereotyped group, leading to an automatic response (Bargh, Chen, Burrows, 1996). In the case of the Starbucks incident, the employee's previous exposure to negative depictions of African Americans likely contributed to the activation of stereotypes. These stereotypes, in turn, fueled the employee's fear and hostility, culminating in the decision to call the police.

The former Starbucks employee's actions were not isolated; they were part of a broader pattern of behavior influenced by implicit biases and stereotype activation. By understanding this pattern, we can begin to address the root causes of such incidents and work towards reducing their occurrence in the future.

Influence of Social Media

Social media played a significant role in amplifying the impact of the Philadelphia Starbucks incident. A bystander in the café recorded the arrest of the two African American men and shared the video on Twitter, where it quickly gained traction (Van Sant, Dwyer, 2018). Within hours, the video had been retweeted 165,000 times, liked by 231,000 users, and viewed approximately 11.4 million times (Van Sant, Dwyer, 2018).

The widespread dissemination of the video sparked public outrage and prompted protests against Starbucks. Demonstrators took to the streets with signs bearing messages such as "too little too late," while others joined the conversation on Twitter using hashtags like "BoycottStarbucks" and "Enough/ShameOnYourStarbucks" (Van Sant, Dwyer, 2018).

Hashtags are crucial in spreading awareness and galvanizing support for social movements. They enable users to follow ongoing discussions, stay informed about the latest developments, and contribute their perspectives to the conversation (Bonilla, Rosa, 2015). Social media platforms empower individuals to become active participants in societal and political change, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.

In conclusion, the Philadelphia Starbucks incident underscores the pervasive influence of implicit bias and stereotype activation in shaping individual behavior and societal interactions. By examining these psychological processes, we can better understand the underlying causes of such events and work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society. Additionally, the role of social media in amplifying the incident highlights the power of digital platforms in shaping public discourse and driving social change. As we move forward, it is essential to remain vigilant in addressing implicit biases and fostering open, constructive dialogue about race and equality.

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Starbucks Case: Implicit Bias Study. (2019, May 09). Retrieved from