Planning for Holiday Shipping at FedEx

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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I chose to write about “Planning for Holiday Shipping at FedEx” (Robbins, 2018). FedEx is one of the most used companies, used for deliveries in the United States. FedEx’s current mission is to generate great financial returns for their shareowners. They can do this because they provide great transportation, logistics and other business services through them. FedEx meets the customer’s requirements with the best that they can service. They strive to create a good relationship with their team members, partners, and their suppliers.

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Safety is their number one priority. FedEx’s goal is to grow profitable revenue and achieve a large operating margin.

FedEx is an organization with a lot of growth potential. Energy consumption and artificial intelligence are also opportunities. The threats are the numerous environmental issues and the government policies that differ in each country. Competition is harsh also and shipping costs can vary.

FedEx has several strengths; their delivery service is the best in my opinion. FedEx really cares about their customers experience with them. Every delivery person who delivers my stuff are super nice. They offer distribution globally and can ship to so many locations. FedEx also has some weaknesses, they lack technology and pollution hinders their organizations success. Their tax rates do also.

When FedEx develops the right strategy, they will see their shipping during the holidays become a more successful one. They need to have a certain task team to make sure the distance and the areas are traveling to be organized better. Communication with external retailers is important, as it can help estimate the number of packages will need to be delivered.

The role of a manager during the strategic management process is to oversee and ensure that the operations are going smoothly so that the organizational goals will be met. With a better success it would be better to have a better prediction of how many packages will be coming in through external organization so they can have a better successful delivery service holiday. I think if they knew more details of what’s coming and going it will run smoother both ways.

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Planning for Holiday Shipping at FedEx. (2020, Mar 07). Retrieved from