Persuasive Essay: Physician Assisted Suicide

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Updated: Sep 17, 2024
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In the last few years, there’s been a lot of talk about whether doctors should be allowed to help patients end their own lives. This is called physician-assisted suicide (PAS). Basically, it’s when a doctor gives a very sick person the means to die if they choose to. Some folks think it’s a kind thing to do, letting people decide how they want to end their lives. Others worry it could be misused or that it goes against the idea that life is sacred.

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This essay argues that we should make PAS legal but with strict rules. It respects people’s choices, helps them avoid suffering, and can be done ethically by doctors.

The Right to Autonomy and Dignity

A big part of why PAS should be allowed is because of autonomy. Autonomy means people get to make their own choices about their lives without others forcing them. When someone has a terminal illness, they often lose control over their life. PAS gives them a way to take back some control, letting them decide when and how they die.

Dying with dignity is also super important. Terminal illnesses can cause a lot of pain and make people lose control of their bodies, leading to a really poor quality of life. For many, the idea of living like that is unbearable. PAS lets people die with dignity, on their own terms, instead of suffering for a long time.

Alleviating Suffering

Doctors are supposed to help relieve pain and suffering. They take an oath to do so. But sometimes, when someone is really sick, even the best care can’t stop all the pain. Some diseases cause so much pain that nothing really helps.

By allowing PAS, we admit that sometimes medicine can’t fix everything. It’s a kind way to help those who are suffering a lot. It’s a humane response to the tough situation terminally ill patients face, making sure their last moments aren’t full of unbearable pain.

Ethical Management within the Medical Profession

Some people worry that PAS could be misused or that it’s not right for doctors to help someone die. But these worries can be addressed with strict rules and guidelines. PAS should only be an option for adults who are very sick and clearly understand what they’re asking for. They should go through a careful process with multiple doctors, including mental health evaluations and waiting periods.

Doctors should also get special training in end-of-life care and ethical issues. This helps them handle PAS requests sensitively and professionally. With clear rules and oversight, doctors can manage PAS responsibly, making sure it’s done ethically and with compassion.

Legalizing and regulating PAS can also prevent risky, unregulated practices. In places where PAS is illegal, some people might try dangerous methods or go to other countries. Legal PAS, with proper medical supervision, ensures patients get safe and supportive care.


Physician-assisted suicide is a tough issue with many sides to it. But the reasons to legalize it are strong. It respects people’s choices, reduces suffering, and can be managed ethically by doctors. Society should consider a compassionate approach to end-of-life care that respects the rights and dignity of terminally ill patients. As we get better at understanding ethics and patient care, legalizing PAS seems like the right and kind thing to do.

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Persuasive Essay: Physician Assisted Suicide. (2024, Sep 17). Retrieved from