Management Strategies in the Context of Globalization

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The environment generates uncertainty for any organization and its members. Uncertainty can be described as the lack of sufficient data available to managers about certain environmental issues, which they could use to predict changes in the environment and the needs of their organization. Uncertainty is influenced by numerous factors which also impact the organization and the magnitude to which these factors change. The concepts affecting change include a diverse labor force, globalization, collaboration, knowledge and ideas, and lastly, technology changes.

Globalization is described as global integration which results from the continuous exchange of ideas, products, cultural facets, and other views internationally.

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Globalization has been driven by advancements in transport systems, infrastructure, and the technology sector. The emergence of the internet has greatly contributed to numerous integration initiatives in the trade sector. The invention of mobile devices has also aided in the easy transfer of data and access to information. Managers in many organizations (Barrows & Neely, 2012) can now conduct business across the world and network numerous ideas on how to improve various areas in their organizations. Globalization has greatly affected various organizations’ operations, forcing them to adapt to different changes to remain competitive and profitable in the business world.

Technology change has both positive and negative impacts on an organization. It affects various aspects of an organizational environment including uncertainty and competition in the market, as well as diversity and the quality of products produced by the organization (Barrows & Neely, 2012). Political and legislative modifications in the organization’s external environment increase its complexity. These factors affect the structure of the organization and the established relationships between clients and employees. Changes in technology can cause significant changes in the organization’s managerial roles, expanding management responsibilities which require more emphasis on decision-making, coordination, and planning (Barrows & Neely, 2012).

Managers are expected to be knowledgeable about different internet-based applications, and this might affect their output as they are required to be trained on computer-based programs. This calls for additional skills in strategic planning and the ability to evaluate numerous alternatives.

Knowledge and ideas are instrumental in determining changes in any organization’s business environment. Managers need to understand the needs of a customer, the business environment, and the employees’ experience. The ability of a business to grow successfully is contingent on the managers’ ability to collect, share, and exploit various opportunities available to them. Managers should be informed about the experience of their employees, the products and services produced by the company, future company plans, and the organization’s documents (Barrows & Neely, 2012). The type of knowledge and ideas provided to managers by their employees is affected by their style of leadership. Managers should be capable of capturing and effectively exploiting the available knowledge and ideas.

Collaboration is a key factor to an organization’s success. Teamwork in an organization can enhance the quality and speed of employees’ work, as well as overall productivity. The management style adopted largely determines the success of the organization (Barrows & Neely, 2012). Managers collaborating with employees can improve business agility and establish better communication within the organization.

There is an increase in diversity within the labor markets due to demographic variations. Diversity changes the number of available potential employees. There are a number of management practices that managers should adopt in order to be successful by valuing diversity. The aim of managing diversity is to improve interactions between employees, clients, and employers (Barrows & Neely, 2012). Organizations should value employees with different skills, needs, and backgrounds. They should also value the clients and the communities which they serve. Organizations need to adapt to various changes to be able to react to various changes in the labor markets.


  1. Barrows, E. & Neely, A. (2012). Managing Performance in Turbulent Times: Analytics and Insight. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Management Strategies in the Context of Globalization. (2022, Jun 28). Retrieved from