Definition of Modern Management Theory

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Updated: Jun 28, 2022
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Management has been in existence since the beginning of civilization. However, over the years, management evolution has taken place to grow concurrently with the socio-economics aspect. In modern perception employees do not necessarily work for money but towards their fulfillment and happiness with leading a comfortable living standard. Under modern management, the financial aspect is of least importance.

Modern management theory focuses on workers and the organization. It is a theory that emphasizes the utilization of systematic mathematical techniques to analyze and understand the inter-relationship of administrators and workers (Fecci et al.

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, 2019). It is essential because it ensures employee productivity is maximized by allowing the human resources potential and their skills are used to the maximum (Olum, 2004). After all, the environment is conducive for them to do so. In the process, there is a division of labor because people are free to perform specific tasks that they derive the most satisfaction performing.

After completing the experiential autonomy exercise, the result showed I scored a three, which suggests that my preference would be a non-bureaucratic institution as well as towards the free will range of my career. The results were what I expected and I wanted to proceed to take the entrepreneurship questionnaire to confirm my earlier findings. This is because I believe I possess excellent leadership skills as well as the qualifications mentioned under the management skills. I always thought I possessed and showcased strong conceptual, human and technical expertise as well as self-confidence required to create a good manager. Learning about my strengths and weaknesses was an eye-opener experience as it made me aware of capabilities and at the same time, identify areas that I can improve on to be a better employee. My efforts will be geared towards my weaknesses because they are more likely to change.

Apart from offering individual job security, working in a bureaucratic organization that I have for five years does not give an individual the option of formulating their terms. This is a bureaucratic organization where there are systems, policies, practices, procedures and restrictions to be adhered to. This type of organization generates rules and regulations. I have notes areas that require improvement for the five years I have been working in my position but I can only suggest the strategies to be used in improving the organization. The administrators have the final say. However, in a non-bureaucratic organization, creativity and innovation are encourages where one is free to suggest and at the same time, implement new ways of doing things (Paulin, 2017). This is because this type of organization is flexible in its operations environment.

Having weaknesses means there is room for improvement. After recognizing the weaknesses, it essential that one accepts them so as to work on them strategically. Time is an essential resource that individuals can use to improve technical aspects by scheduling and attending training sessions. These training sessions can help equip an individual with the required set of skills. Seminars on business management as well as network with people outside and within a country can help address the conceptual weakness (Yukl, 2014). An individual can also seek guidance from individuals they trust who will help improve on the human aspect of an Individual. This is a human resource that can be used to speak life into an individual and encourage them. Also, when one manages to achieve something, it is best to celebrate the small wins because it boosts one esteem and will power.

Creating a positive workplace culture is essential in every organization and eventually in the universe. Lack of this culture poses a threat to the company’s growth and development. Understanding the concepts of an organization means understanding the culture. Being aware of the environment helps one know how top management expects them to respond to a situation, and one understands the consequences of doing the unexpected (Dent & Tye, 2016).

The Human Resource will also recruit employees who share the organization’s beliefs and thrive in that culture. The human aspect which focuses on character strengths such as self-confidence and courage increases one’s productivity and causes an individual to choose more challenging tasks which makes one stand out from the rest and this may earn one an award (Burston, 2019). Technical strengths are essential in ensuring that work is carried out efficiently. Gaining these technical skills leads to an empowered workplace; hence it has to be built in the right manner.

In conclusion, management has been in existence since the onset of civilization and has continued to evolve to fit modern society. Hence, modern management theory came into existence. Under this theory, the organization focuses on the workers’ satisfaction rather than the financial aspect. Not all organizations function alike. Others are flexible in their operations, meaning they are ready to act on employees’ suggestions. In contrast, other organizations such as the bureaucratic organizations are strict and despite getting the proposal from the workers, they might be dismissed. Employees need to use their strengths in establishing a positive workplace.


  1. Burston, A. (2019). Creating mentally healthy workplaces. AusIMM Bulletin, (Jun 2019), 28.
  2. Dent, B., & Tye, J. (2016). Creating a positive culture of ownership. Nurse Leader, 14(3), 185-190.
  3. Fecci, P. E., Champion, C. D., Hoj, J., McKernan, C. M., Goodwin, C. R., Kirkpatrick, J. P., … & Sampson, J. H. (2019). The evolving modern management of brain metastasis. Clinical Cancer Research, 25(22), 6570-6580.
  4. Olum, Y. (2004). Modern management theories and practices. Uganda: Makerere University.
  5. Paulin, A. (2017). Beyond Bureaucracy. In Beyond Bureaucracy (pp. 15-26). Springer, Cham.
  6. Yukl, G. (2014). An evaluation of conceptual weaknesses in transformational and charismatic leadership theories. The leadership quarterly, 10(2), 285-305.
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Definition of Modern Management Theory. (2022, Jun 28). Retrieved from