I Want to be an Engineer

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I Want to be an Engineer

In this personal essay, the author will discuss their aspiration to become an engineer. It will cover their motivation, the specific field of engineering they are interested in, and what inspired them to pursue this career path. The piece will reflect on the role of engineers in society and the personal goals of the author. At PapersOwl, you’ll also come across free essay samples that pertain to Engineer.

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In order to become a mechanical engineer, one must go to college and get their bachelor’s degree, get their licensing and also take the required exams. There are many duties to working a job like this, having to be able to read blueprints, draw technically. Also will need to operate, Research, evaluate, and design. A few technical skills are being able to use scientific software such as MAYA Nastran, Minitab, Sigmetrix CETOL 6 Sigma, and The MathWorks MATLAB. Also, you will need to use other software like Autodesk Revit, Perforce Helix software, Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Visio and Trimble SketchUp Pro.

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People who work or are working towards becoming a mechanical engineer will be working forty hours a week. The hours worked my change to conditions of work. A few work styles you will need to adapt to is being able to cooperate, paying attention to detail, and also being depended on. They usually work at a desk, in an office and create blueprints and read them as well. They also need to talk to people for most of their time on the job. Working this job does not sustain to injury as much because there’s not much work with dangerous tools and equipment. The tools you will need to be able to use are Flowmeters, Machine mounts or vibration isolators, Semiconductor process systems, Signal generators and Voltage comparator integrated circuits. Like stated before mechanical engineers will usually work in an office. But sometimes they will need to go and visit a construction site and see if all is going as planned and if any improvements are needed.

There is an estimate of 21,200 jobs available to work. These jobs are mostly found in the city areas that need building structures. There is a nine percent increase in jobs of this kind by 2026. The layoff is not high because to get a job like this you will need to be really a hard worker so there most of them are not there to goof off. Some benefits you get from is job are insurance for medical, dental, and vision. Also, they can get profit-sharing disability insurance or education assistance depending on who they work for. Becoming a senior engineer is a promotion. In the beginning, you start as a starter, they may not give you hard jobs. But as a senior, they will be at the top of things and work harder but also get paid more of core.

To be able to have this job people will have to work on getting their bachelor’s degree because this is need to start any engineering job. This will take five years of school to finish and be in the industry. There a few good schools to go to for your degree such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University and the University of Cambridge. MIT is the best school to go they are ranked number one for engineering. But the University of Cambridge is also a good school it’s just that’s it is in the United Kingdom.

There are many important skills that will need be to use in this job active listening is one of them they will need to give all attention to whoever is talking, asking questions in important because there can’t be any mistakes while on the job. Also math skill is needed in this job. Math is needed to be able to solve a problem that comes their way. Same as science, there needs to be the correct science behind things to work. Reading is also big, reading sentences and paragraphs and being able to understand them is needed. There are many software they need to know to work this job. The need to learn quick is needed to work fast with new projects. Cooperation is important in this job too. People will need to work together and get along.

The reason someone they want this job is that they might love working on cars and other matters of that sort. Also, enjoy working with blueprints and love working with others. Also, tech might be one of their skills and want to use it as a career. Being a mechanical engineer takes a lot of work but is worth it. You will have the ability to do what you love to do and not need to worry about not liking your job. Being an engineer is a spectacular job and skill. 

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I Want to Be an Engineer. (2021, May 11). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/i-want-to-be-an-engineer/