Moving to a New School

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Updated: Apr 30, 2024
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Moving to a New School

This essay will discuss the challenges and opportunities of moving to a new school. It will cover topics such as adapting to a new environment, making friends, dealing with change, and embracing new educational opportunities. The piece will offer advice for students transitioning to a new school, focusing on the positive aspects of change. PapersOwl offers a variety of free essay examples on the topic of Child Care.

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All my life I have lived in Texas and have moved now to 3 cities here. I was born and raised in Austin, Texas. After 4 years of living there I moved to Houston, Texas where I spent the majority of my life. After living there for 13 years I have now moved here to Tyler. Moving cities was always a scary thing and was a stressful thing for me. What I was mostly nervous about was me not knowing anyone that lived there.

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Everything is different, the environment, vibe, and it is way smaller then what I am use to.

My family lived Houston, TX until April, 23, 2017 at approximately 2 o’clock. It took a long time for us to pack everything and just looking back at everything and thinking of all of the good memories. It was a heartbreaking thing to do. My parents told my young brother and I that we were moving to Tyler, TX. I had no idea where that was because I have never heard of that city before. I was excited about this new experience as well as afraid.

I have always wanted to travel to a place where I have never been before, it was an interesting thing to do. We finally packed up and put all of our last belongings in the big uhaul truck. We then checked again to make sure that we took everything and said our last goodbye’s The drive took about 5 hours and just passing out of Houston got me sick. The roads were narrow and were surrounded by forests. We finally arrived in Tyler, it was nothing like Houston I thought. I knew nobody, all I knew was that I lived in the middle of a small non urban city. It was small and did not have all those roads on top of each other. At first, I was nervous about moving into a new home. One thing that really made me unhappy was having to share a room with my younger brother. I had my own room and my own privacy for over 10 years and I was enjoying it until we moved here. My family went from living in a big house into living in a small apartment. We set up everything without much hassle.

For a while our apartment did not seem like our home. It seemed more like we were on vacation. Eventually August came around, that meant a new school year was starting. Except I wasn’t going to be returning to the same school. I used to go to a Early College High School in Houston and transferred over here. I didn’t even know what to think. I was nervous about coming to this school because I have to make new friends and it just changed my whole life style. Not only that but I did not know where to go shopping or who to hangout with when I am bored, also what to do when I am bored. After going to school for a while and getting to know everyone it was not as bad as I thought it would be. I eventually made friends and everyone was cool with me. I went out with them and they told me a lot about Tyler. Now living here for my second year I love living here and would not call anywhere else home.

But what about children? who will go to the new school?For example, I cannot say that I did not like the school I studied at. On the contrary, I loved her and everyone who was with me then. But my soul demanded a change, and I decided to leave for another educational institution after the ninth grade. This is a normal practice because after passing the exams, many leave: some go to college, some to stronger educational institutions.

I have already changed schools once. Then I gained new knowledge and opportunities. Therefore, the next transition did not scare me. In the new class, I made two close friends. And also my academic performance has improved significantly. In general, a new school is a new life! You never know what awaits you, but I believe that with the right attitude, there will be only good things ahead.

It’s easy to get accustomed to a new team if you choose people who are similar to you, who have the same interests, plans for life. Do not worry if one of your classmates does not accept you, just shut yourself off from him, not sorting out the relationship. If you don’t touch each other, then nothing bad will happen. “

Moving somewhere you have never been before is always a scary thing to do and no one ever wants to do it.  


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Moving to a New School. (2021, May 11). Retrieved from