Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases

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Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases

Delving into the science of global warming, this piece explicates the role of greenhouse gases like CO2, methane, and water vapor in enhancing the greenhouse effect. It emphasizes human activities’ role in augmenting these emissions and their contribution to the planet’s rising temperatures. Moreover, at PapersOwl, there are additional free essay samples connected to Global Warming topic.

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Scientists have long known that the presence of an atmosphere keeps the surface of the planet warmer than it would be without an atmosphere. An atmosphere in fact without an atmosphere the surface of the earth would be about 30 degrees Celsius cooler than it is now. greenhouse gases there are lots of gases that make up the earth atmosphere some of these gases are carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide which trap heat and warm the earth. Such gases hold the heat in the earth’s atmosphere and cause changes in the climate and weather.

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Global warming causes droughts, floods, increase in heat waves, melting glaciers, negatively affected the way of living humans, and endangering many animal and plant species.

Ocean temperatures have risen around 0.12 degrees Celsius per decade averaging past 50 years. The temperature has fluctuated through the years in different locations in the oceans and land. The warmer the water is will determine the melting rate of glaciers and the rise of water levels onto land. The higher temperatures have driven marine life toward the poles in search of habitable environments, bleaching coral reefs, and causing serious burdens on fisheries and aquacultures. They also assist more reoccurring and extreme weather occasion. In the three back-to-back deadly hurricanes of 2017, Irma, Harvey and Maria heated waters played a position in worsening the storms.

The Environmental Media Services Organization have discovered that the greenhouse effect could push temperatures up approximately 6 degrees by the year 2100. Examine hydrology, for example. Warm air accommodates more water vapor than cold air, so there is a rise in evaporation in dehydrated areas, thus more dehydration something that has been documented on every continent. Once that water enters the atmosphere, it’s going to come down somewhere and, indeed, we have seen the most climatic flooding ever recorded in recent years. In the year 2004, 300 million humans, 1 in 20 of us, had to evacuate their homes for a week, a month, a year, or forever because of rising waters. Much of the increased water would be from melting icecaps in the ocean and land glaciers melting. Cities along the coast and islands could be submerged by water.

There are many negative environmental effects of global warming. A greater amount of evaporation from rivers, lakes, streams, and oceans due to warmer temperatures. In some ares this can be good news, but in other areas it can be bad. In the northern regions of the U.S., a rise in temperature and rain could extend the growing season of crops. This would be good for farmer because they would make more money. It can also hurt farmers. There is a possibility that crops could get too much rain and would die. Certain areas would get less rain, which would lead to more droughts. Warm temperatures and wet weather would be the main result of global warming and warm temperatures and wet weather are factors that promote tropical storms. Thus, tropical storms would appear more often and with greater frequencies.

More rain as a result of global warming will also force plant life and its species to adjust their location. Species migrate naturally, but research says that global warming could cause them to migrate at a much faster speed. If the climate changes, some forest species in North America will shift by as much as 300 miles north. Plants will also be forced to migrate. Forests would change in nourishment and vegetation quantities. If one region is getting more rain than another, plants that need more rain that are on the border of these two regions will naturally begin migrating into the region that is getting more rain.

Global warming has become a major environmental problem in the last five years and is not improving. The small increases in temperature seem harmless, but they can do an enormous amount of damage to the earth’s ecosystem. Only a few degrees ended the last ice age, another warming like that could have a catastrophic effect on the earth and all its creatures. In order to

stop global warming, much must be done, the first thing to do to control the earth’s temperature is to lower the burning and/or the emissions of fossil fuels which is the single most responsible cause of global warming. The downfall is that it is very hard to reverse the warming process after it has been started. Global warming temperatures grow exponentially, and we will have to create an answer for global warming sooner than people think. I know that global warming must be stopped if we want to keep living the way we do now. If it isn’t stopped, the problems discussed will only get worse and the ending result will ultimately be death.

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Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases. (2019, May 29). Retrieved from