Summer is the Best Season

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Updated: Apr 30, 2024
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Summer is the Best Season

This essay will articulate why summer is considered the best season by many people. It will discuss the benefits of warm weather, longer daylight hours, and the opportunities for outdoor activities and vacations. The piece will explore how summer contributes to improved mood, social interactions, and a break from the routine of school or work. It will also consider the cultural and recreational aspects of summer, including festivals, beach trips, and barbecues. On PapersOwl, there’s also a selection of free essay templates associated with Water.

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Nature has given us four magnificent seasons. Even toddlers know that it is winter, spring, summer and autumn. Each new time brings new changes in nature, new transformations. Any time of the year is remarkable in its own way: spring is inception, autumn is withering. Winter is associated with cold, summer with heat.

Each person has their own favorite season. I think that I will not be mistaken if I put forward the following assumption: summer is the favorite season for most of our compatriots.

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I also consider myself one of the people who sympathize with the summer season. In my story, I want to justify my belonging to such people.

Finally, the cold weather ends and the holidays begin. In summer, you can enjoy the sun and warm days, go on long trips and hikes. Nature is especially beautiful in summer – the forest rustles with green leaves, berries ripen, the most amazing flowers bloom. You can endlessly walk through the flowering meadows and admire the modest white-headed daisies or weave dandelion wreaths. It’s nice to go into the dusk of the forest and hide from the heat of the day. And if you look closely, then the reward for the forest walk will be brown strong boletus and proud boletus.

And only in summer do rivers and lakes come to life. The water in them becomes warm and if you sit quietly on the shore, you can watch fearless dragonflies fly over your head, and nimble fry scurry about in the water. It is quiet and calm on the shore of the lake – it is so good to look at the water and admire the sun glare on it. And then together with friends for a long time to swim and dive from the pier.

Summer is the best time to travel. There are a lot of beautiful places in our country that you really want to see. Mysterious caves, waterfalls, high mountains and passes … You want to go everywhere. In the summer months, we always go with our family on small trips – out of town. I love summer and always look forward to it. After all, it is in the summer that everything around blooms and breathes life.

Good in summer and people. How many plans can be realized in the summer. For example, go on a trip, visit your relatives in other cities, spend time in nature, enjoying clean air, fishing, warm starry nights. In our country, we have everything you need for this: deep-water rivers, clean lakes, and beautiful seas.

Summer for me is not only a long-awaited vacation. In the summer, I read a lot, do creative work. I love to walk in the park with my friends. We go to the cinema, attend concerts and interesting exhibitions, because sometimes there is simply not enough time for this on the days of training sessions.

Summer, like the rest of the seasons, lasts three months. This time is quite enough for me to make sure once again from year to year that I love summer with its warm sunny days.

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Summer is the Best Season. (2021, May 10). Retrieved from