Essay about IPhones from China to Canada and Korea

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An iPhone is a smartphone that is manufactured by the apple company. This type of phone is consists of a computer, iPod, digital camera, and a cellular phone all in it. This kind of a phone is also screen touch. The apple company says that the phone uses the iOs operating system. To get a better knowledge of the iPhone, we can trace its history a little bit. Back on January 9th, 2007, Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone. The first apple iphone was launchued in the United states.

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In this paper, I will look at iphones from china to Canada and Korea. I will examine the requirements needed, the tariffs and taxes among other things.

The first iPhone entered the Chinese market in the year 2009. Then the device would cost up to 6,999 yuan if one wanted to buy themselves a 32-end Gb iPhone 3GS. In the first years, the iPhone market in China was not one of the best because there were issues that hindered its breakthrough (Boston A 2010). However, years later they found their breakthrough and began to flourish. Recently, China has become the world's best designer and producer of phones. According to research done in the year 2017, China had registered an improvement index of 11%. This is a magical improvement that has never been achieved by any other country in the world.

Due to its ability to produce quality phones, China has been named as the leading exporter of iPhones to both Canada and Korea. However, in order for it to export, there are several requirements that should be met. First, China should seek air waybill. This is because most of its exports to Canada and Korea are transported by air. The air waybill document is the most vital document in any export. According to Ken Fong who is a senior operation manager, this document is used by the airline's authorities to validate the specifications of a certain product.

Another requirement is the Bill of Lading. In order for China to export iphones to Canada and Korea, it should have a document called the bill of lading. This is a contract between the owner of goods and the carrier. Therefore China should understand well the bill of lading in order to know the person to ship the products. Similar to the US, China requires a document called the certificate of conformity. This certificate allows the products to be analyzed by the third party. iPhones from China are analyzed to clear any doubts from the customers and to determine whether the iphone meets the expected standards. This move is not taken by all countries. However, when China undertakes this move, it shows that they are sure of the quality of iPhones.

Both Canada and Korea demands document known as the certificate of origin. This is because the applicable rate of duty depends on where the goods have been imported from. These two countries among others want to ascertain that the iphones have been imported from China. The final requirement needed by these countries is the commercial invoice. This is a document that consists of all details about the seller and the shipment of the goods so that the receiving party can smoothly check that the shipment is intact as it was from the exporter.

In recent years, China has been making $8.46 million from iPhone exports. Due to this significant amount of money, the USA government has decided to impose tariffs on China to slow down its growth. One of the items likely to be affected by these tariffs is the iPhone. Additionally, it is reported that the USA has instructed both China and Korea to impose duties on China, not only on iPhones but also on other goods like steel.

In conclusion, China has been flourishing in the export of iPhones among other goods to Canada and Korea. This export success has placed China as one of the strongest economies in the world, surpassing the United States and the United Kingdom, among other powerful economies. However, China has faced opposition from the likes of the US, which at one point advised Canada and Korea to impose heavy taxes and tariffs on iPhones and steel imported from China. Nevertheless, it is my opinion that at this rapid growth rate of the Chinese economy, it will soon dominate the market with almost every valuable commodity.


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Essay About iPhones from China to Canada and Korea. (2019, Jul 19). Retrieved from