Doritos Commercials: a Fusion of Humor and Branding Genius

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Updated: Oct 16, 2023
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Doritos, the iconic triangular tortilla chip, has become much more than just a beloved snack. In the world of advertising, Doritos commercials stand as testament to the power of innovative branding, demonstrating how creativity can meld with product promotion to capture an audience’s attention.

When one thinks of Doritos commercials, it’s hard not to recall their humorous undertones, quirky scenarios, and the unmistakable crunch of the chip. Over the years, these advertisements have adeptly used humor as their cornerstone, drawing viewers in with a chuckle before leaving them with an irresistible craving for the flavorful snack.

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And while humor is a common tool in advertising, Doritos manages to execute it with an original flair, making their commercials memorable and instantly recognizable.

One might ask, why humor? The answer lies in the universal appeal of laughter. Humor breaks barriers, resonates across cultures, and most importantly, it sticks. A funny commercial remains in the minds of viewers long after they’ve seen it. Doritos understands this and has tapped into the psyche of its audience by creating scenarios that are relatable yet exaggerated, grounding their commercials in reality while adding a touch of the absurd.

Another key aspect of Doritos commercials is their inclusivity. The brand has always embraced diversity, featuring people from various backgrounds, ages, and walks of life. This has not only broadened their reach but has also positioned Doritos as a snack for everyone, regardless of who you are or where you come from.

Now, it’s worth noting the evolution of the Doritos commercial narrative over the decades. Earlier commercials were simpler, focusing on the chip’s flavor and crunch. However, as the brand grew and the advertising landscape became more competitive, Doritos began pushing the envelope. We started seeing more story-driven commercials, ones that presented mini-narratives, often with unexpected twists fueled by the irresistible allure of Doritos. These commercials told us stories, made us laugh, and often surprised us, but the central theme always circled back to the magnetic pull of the product.

The brand’s genius also lies in its ability to engage its audience. The “Crash the Super Bowl” campaign is a prime example of this. By inviting fans to create their own Doritos commercials and offering substantial prizes for the best ones, Doritos not only sourced brilliant content but also fostered a sense of community around the brand. People were talking, creating, and most importantly, connecting over Doritos. Such campaigns showcase the brand’s forward-thinking approach, where it’s not just about selling a product but about building and nurturing a relationship with the consumers.

Yet, no analysis of Doritos commercials would be complete without mentioning their sonic branding – the crunch. That unmistakable sound of a Doritos chip being bitten into is as much a part of the brand’s identity as the chip itself. It’s sensory branding at its best, triggering an auditory memory that reminds consumers of the product’s unique texture and taste.

In conclusion, Doritos commercials are more than just advertisements for a snack; they’re a masterclass in branding. By integrating humor, inclusivity, engagement, and sensory branding, Doritos has managed to carve a unique space for itself in the advertising world. These commercials serve as a reminder that creativity, when paired with a deep understanding of one’s audience, can yield content that not only promotes but also endears and entertains. As we munch on our Doritos, it’s worth acknowledging the branding genius that reminds us, time and again, of the joy of that unmistakable crunch.

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Doritos Commercials: A Fusion of Humor and Branding Genius. (2023, Oct 16). Retrieved from