College Essay for Admission as a Freshman

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Updated: Oct 19, 2023
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College Essay for Admission as a Freshman

A freshman admission essay is a personal narrative that showcases a student’s achievements, aspirations, character, and reasons for wanting to join a particular institution. It would focus on personal experiences, academic accomplishments, extracurricular activities, and the vision for one’s college journey. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay illustrations related to College topic.

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My name is Sebastian Buckeridge a native of Jamaica. I came to America on 2012 and that was the turning day of my life. America is the most beautiful country in the world. I was a bit challenged academically back in my native country Jamaica. I was a D student due to the many challenges I faced back there.

United States education system has transformed my academic life. The system has transformed me from a D student to an A student. This fete made it possible to be admitted in the National Honor Society during my eleventh grade. I was active in sports during my middle and high school. I was in my middle school cycling team and did track and field in high school. I am very disciplined something every person around likes about me.

I am also very hardworking which can be proven by my transformation from a D student to an A student.I have a passion for engineering and that's the main reason I want to join the university to pursue a mechanical engineering degree.

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In addition to that I also want to be trained with the diverse people the university community represents. I will strive to work hard to achieve trust and success which is valued by the university. The university offers a scholarly climate to encourage the students to have intellectual curiosity. I believe I will be able to learn a lot since education and research in the mechanical engineering department is intermixed. This will help me to continue to follow path towards engineering excellence.

I believe the university is the best place to nurture the love I have for mechanical engineering.

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College essay for admission as a freshman. (2019, Dec 18). Retrieved from