Why Tulane: Undergraduate Admission

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Why Tulane: Undergraduate Admission

This essay will provide insights into the unique aspects of Tulane University that make it an appealing choice for undergraduate admission. It will discuss the academic programs, campus culture, community involvement, and the diverse opportunities available at Tulane. The piece will highlight factors such as the university’s location in New Orleans, its commitment to research and innovation, and its approach to holistic education. It will also offer advice on how prospective students can effectively articulate their interest in Tulane in their admissions essays. Moreover, at PapersOwl, there are additional free essay samples connected to Academic Research.

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I am Debaroty Roy, a graduate student from Tulane University. I have completed my undergraduate from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh. I am interested in pursuing my PhD in Chemical Engineering Department of Louisiana State University.

I did my undergraduate in Chemical Engineering which combines chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics to solve problems. During my undergraduate years, I developed a very broad range of skills. It included fundamental heat and material balance to complex mass, heat and momentum transfer.

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Along with core chemical engineering courses, I had taken other courses- physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, and instrumental analysis which developed my basic skills to understand, analyze, and solve problems where chemical structure-property relationship plays role. Additionally, I have taken different mathematics and physics courses to achieve the knowledge necessary to solve problem after acquiring the gist from a piece of information. After my undergraduate, I decided to come to Tulane University to start my graduate school. Starting graduate school in a different environment was a new beginning for me. I have taken advanced level courses- Advanced Reactor Design, Advanced Transport Phenomena, Advanced Thermodynamics, Advanced Materials Design, Advanced Organic Polymer Chemistry, Polymer Physics and Molecular Biophysics etc. Additionally, I successfully performed my teaching assistantship duties in courses-Numerical Analysis for Chemical Engineers, Unit Operations Lab, and Analytical Chemistry.

During my undergraduate years, I did thesis on “Comparative study on the degradation of industrial dyes using TiO2/ZnO photo catalysts.” On that study, I prepared TiO2/ZnO photo catalysts with different TiO2: ZnO ratios and studied dye degradation kinetics, governed by the Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP). My undergraduate research experience has enabled me to understand how to plan experiments, analyze data, and write technical reports and present them. Under the supervision of my undergraduate thesis advisor, I learnt how to do research. I presented my work “Comparative study on the degradation of Industrial dyes using TiO2/ZnO photocatalysts” at “International Conference on Materials Chemistry, 6-8 December 2014, University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh” and achieved praise from many scholars about my presentation skill. On graduate level, I also did poster presentation on “Photoinitiated Crosslinking of PVMS (poly (vinylmethylsiloxane))” at “APTEC (Applied Polymer Extension Consortium) 5th Annual Polymer Research Symposium, November 13, 2017, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS, USA.”

For my graduate level research, I decided to do research on polymer surface science. I synthesized poly(vinylmethylsiloxane) (PVMS) through base catalyzed polycondensation reaction and then prepared photo initiator-initiated UV-radiation crosslinked PVMS elastomers with tunable physical properties (gel fractions, modulus etc. Through my research work, I acquired the aptitude in the area of organic synthesis and purification. Another part of my project was based on the preparation and incorporation of silane functionalized silica nanomaterials in the crosslinked elastomer to achieve desired level of flexibility. This part of my research enabled me to achieve experience in surface modification of the nanomaterials. Through my undergraduate and graduate level research work, I learnt how to troubleshoot problems and make research plans which I believe will help me to complete my PhD successfully. I also learnt data collection and data interpretation skills which is necessary for a valuable research.

Through my undergraduate and graduate level research work, I acquired a profound knowledge on how to perform research. 

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Why Tulane: Undergraduate Admission. (2021, May 04). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/why-tulane-undergraduate-admission/