Tuition-free College is a Dream Held by Many College Students in the United States

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Many students feel as if free college is extremely beneficial and could help them in their journey in life; While, some institutions believe that having financial obligations for college students is necessary. Tuition-free college can bring many benefits to students by providing opportunities that would not have been available because of financial obligations. However, some believe that Tuition free college has downfalls, such as tax increases. There are a wide variety of conflicts when it comes to paying for college; however, it is absolutely beneficial to make college tuition free.

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Tuition-free college would greatly reduce debt, substantially increase the number of students who would pursue a higher education, and significantly decrease poverty levels.

First, depending on the college students are attending tuition can be very expensive. In the article titled “Should College Tuition Be Free,” Andrew M. Cuomo, an author, lawyer and American politician serving as the 56th and current Governor of New York, states: “Tuition alone at a four-year school can run anywhere from about $10,000 at a state university to more than $40,000 at a private institution. And that doesn’t include all the other costs students bear, for such things as housing, food, and books.” Due to these high tuition rates, many students end up taking out loans from the federal government and private banks to pay their fees. However, loans must be paid back, and due to high-interest rates, student loans can be doubled.

This results in students and parents paying back an extremely large amount of money. Sadly, thousands of students across America are in financial debt because of student loans. Many college graduates spend years paying their student loans back, and unable to file for bankruptcy because student loans do not allow it. Moreover, after graduating college and getting a job in their chosen careers, a lot of students end up using a large percentage of their income to pay off their student loans. This causes them to never enjoy the potential benefit their income could bring if college was free. Tuition-free college can completely remove these issues reducing debt for millions of students nationwide and saving thousands of dollars to students and parents who decide to send their children to college.

Moreover, tuition-free college can greatly increase the number of students who choose to pursue a higher education. One of the main reasons why a lot of students after high school do not pursue a higher education is because college is very pricey. A wide variety of students settle in careers outside of high school because they just cannot afford college; however, a tuition-free college would significantly expand the number of students who would pursue a higher education, since, the tuition has been removed. Additionally, many students would become motivated, more determined to go to college, and more likely to proceed to a university since the pathway to earning a degree has become a lot easier. According to the article “Should Community College be Free,” Andrew P. Kelly, a resident scholar in education policy studies, states: “In my work as an education researcher, I’ve listened to the stories of hundreds of students from all sorts of backgrounds and circumstances.

They all understand how important it is to go to college. But too often their hopes are dashed by a system that delivers few opportunities for low- and middle-income students. We can do better.” As stated here it is clear that the expenses in college can really suffocate the dreams of students. Many are ambitious, have the drive, and want a better path for themselves; however, in some cases, it is just not possible. Students tend to throw away their hopes of a higher education because of the financial obligations of college. Tuition-free college would greatly increase the chances for education among millions of students, pushing them into their desired career, and setting them on a better path in life. It would also impact high school students across America, it will incentivize high schoolers to do better. Tuition-free college would impact the future for many students, by opening new doors and providing that educational opportunity for everyone.

However, some might disagree with the decision of tuition-free college; arguing, that since everyone is earning a decent amount of pay, taxes would increase severely and negatively impact those who are in the low-income society. Although taxes might increase due to everyone receiving a decent amount of pay, a tuition-free college would still severely reduce poverty levels by the millions therefore, making it affordable to increase taxes. Many students who are in poverty or struggle financially are usually unable to find jobs with a decent amount of pay to support them and their families; however, with an easier and affordable college education, this issue can completely be diminished.

Referring to the article “A Tuition-Free College Takes a Hit,” it states: “Low-income families, rural residents and Aboriginal communities have dramatically lower post-secondary participation rates” (Erica L, Green). This is because of the cost of college and the funds it takes to pursue a higher education. Tuition-free college could greatly increase these participation rates in lower income families, provide a better life, and help supply a stable income. Education is a big part of the financial earnings of middle to high-income families, and providing a college education for free, would remarkably decrease the percentage of those who reside under the status of the low-income society. So, even though taxes might increase, the consequence of that would not be as severe, considering a wide majority of students now have the funds to handle it. Poverty impacts millions of students in the United States, and tuition-free college can help resolve this issue, by providing a higher income and a more stable environment for anyone who chooses to take the opportunity.

Overall, tuition-free college has been a controversial topic for many years. Without any doubt, tuition-free college provides benefits and educational opportunities to millions of students and people in America, by positively impacting this country and providing a better future for essentially everyone. Low income families are one among many that could be helped with tuition-free college, along with those who are entitled to financial obligations, and others who want to excel in postsecondary education. Tuition-free college is a huge decision to make for colleges nationwide, but without a doubt, a fairly good choice considering the potential benefits it provides to students and people in America. Tuition free college is a great path to take, providing benefits to all people, and supplying hope to those who need it.

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Tuition-free college is a dream held by many college students in the United States. (2021, Oct 15). Retrieved from