Challenges Achieving Economic Self-Sufficiency Among Teen Mothers
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"Economic self-sufficiency is commonly understood as financial independence from government or family assistance (Everhardt, 2014; Shlay, 1994). In 2017, teenage females between the ages of 15 and 19 gave birth to 194,377 babies, and birth rates have decreased 7% compared to the previous year (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2018). The risks related to teenage pregnancy have a detrimental impact on society as they cause a financial burden on taxpayers at local, state, and national government levels (Dorrell, 1994). Young mothers are more likely to rely on public assistance compared to older mothers (Hudgins, Erickson, and Walker, 2014).
As part of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 (Public Law 104-193), Congress created the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), an income support program (Bowie and Dopwell, 2013; Hill and Cain, 2012; Joseph, 2018). TANF is a federal program that provides block grants to states, and each state has the flexibility on how to implement and administer the TANF programs (Hill and Cain, 2012). The public assistance program, California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs), provides cash assistance and services to eligible families and their children (California Department of Social Services, 2019). Individuals receiving aid are required to participate in the Welfare-to-Work (WTW) activities to work toward self-sufficiency (California Legislative Information, 2019). Teen parents receiving aid are required to participate in the Cal-Learn program to earn a high school diploma or its equivalent (California Legislative Information, 2019).
Teenage pregnancy is a contributing factor to continuing the cycle of social welfare dependency (Dorrell, 1994). This research aims to examine the factors to achieving economic self-sufficiency among teen mothers participating in welfare programs. The term or concept of self-sufficiency is not clearly defined by the government or scholars; however, it is typically connected with welfare-for-work programs (Joseph, 2018). For the purpose of this research, economic self-sufficiency is commonly understood as the individual ability to consistently meet their needs without financial assistance from family or government (Gates, Koza, and Akabas, 2017). Several articles discuss barriers to self-sufficiency such as lack of employment, minimal education, affordable childcare, and transportation (Everhardt, 2014; Joseph, 2018). Recent research or literature about the positive outcomes among single mothers achieving economic self-sufficiency is limited. A research article by Hudgins, Erickson, and Walker (2014) evaluated data from teen parents in Second Chance Home programs and revealed improvements in education, housing, income, self-sufficiency, and parenting outcomes. It has been the main focus for the social work profession to alleviate poverty (Gates, Koza, and Akabas, 2017). The purpose of this research is to explore strategies and develop programs to assist teen parents overcome their unique challenges to improve their success in achieving economic self-sufficiency.
The federal government provides an annual block grant of $16.5 billion for TANF programs, and each state contributes its own funds toward the budget (Joseph, 2018). TANF served 1.5 million families in 2014 (Joseph, 2018). The programs fail to engage their participants to participate in any job-readiness programs or
Current social work educational programs have prepared professionals to respond to issues related to employment. However, their education is still lacking, and that leaves them with a lack of understanding of basic financial concepts to serve their clients, families, and communities (Gates, Koza, and Akabas, 2017)."

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Challenges Achieving Economic Self-Sufficiency among Teen Mothers. (2021, Jun 17). Retrieved from