Book Censorship

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The banning or censorship of books in America is a very controversial topic. "A banned book is one that has been removed from the shelves of a library, bookstore, or classroom because of its controversial content" (Lombardi). Various controversial topics could lead to a book being banned. Some of these topics include language, diversity, and religion. Many books aimed at younger audiences and removed from classrooms have subject matter that "your kid has encountered before or will soon" (McMahon). Young readers should be allowed to read censored books.

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Although some readers may not be mature enough to handle particular content, there is little evidence to suggest that it will affect a reader's life negatively.

The First Amendment protects the freedom of the citizens of America, stating, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances" (First Amendment of The Constitution). This amendment ensures that the government has no control over a person’s religion or their freedom of speech, allowing them to express their views freely. This right should be preserved because everyone deserves to be heard. No one should infringe upon someone’s freedom of speech and opinion. However, the issue of banning books could potentially challenge this amendment. Beginning in the 20th century, those who banned books began recognizing that such actions might violate the First Amendment of the Constitution. "…how it's defined and how that definition relates to the First Amendment—have been at the heart of banned-book controversies throughout the 20th and 21st centuries"(Brady).

Books are usually banned for various reasons, primarily by parents, groups, school board members, and individuals (McMahon). In 2015, the top ten banned books were banned due to LGBT characters, religious characters, and sexual content (Begley). The ALA found that the number of books challenged in public libraries was 311 in 2014 and dropped to 275 in 2015. This decrease suggests that fewer people were reporting books (Begley). One library in Brooklyn moved challenged items to a less accessible location, meaning the book "remains in the library's collection, although it is harder to find" (Cowan).

In the book Deadline by Chris Crutcher, high school senior Ben Wolf is diagnosed with a rare blood disease and is given at most a year to live. He decides not to tell any of his family or friends about his condition and instead chooses to live his life to the fullest. This book was banned in 2009 in Mt. Sterling, Kentucky for being perceived as having "no value…" (Censorship- Author & Loudmouth). Other potential reasons for banning or censoring this book include its uses of language, religion, and discussions about sex and rape.

The banning of "Deadline" can be debated. The book does include some graphic scenes, but it can also be used to educate the reader. This book exposes a reader to what may really be happening in someone’s personal life. On page 125, the reader learns something very personal about one of the characters named Dallas. She and Ben have just arrived at her house and are planning to have a sleepover. While they are together, she tells Ben that she had been raped by her uncle when she was thirteen, saying, "He… He got to me.” (Crutcher). Later in the book, we also discover that Dallas' little brother, Joe Henry, isn't actually her brother. She tells Ben that Joe Henry is her son. She expects Ben to leave, but instead, he stays to comfort her (Crutcher, 185). This can serve as an example for the reader that sometimes, we don't always understand how a person may truly be feeling. Sometimes there's more to them than meets the eye, and you should always be there to support them, no matter what.

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Book Censorship. (2019, Feb 28). Retrieved from