“Black Men and Public Space”: Navigating Prejudice

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Unveiling Prejudice: Staples’ Experiences in “Black Men and Public Space”

In the essay “Black Men and Public Space,” Brent Staples expresses how a black man alters public space in the most negative way. I believe that Staples’ narration, based on his personal experiences, draws a sympathetic audience with his message. Staples being a black man, had been a hapless victim of racism, where he was often regarded as a dreaded criminal by people. The women, who are victims of their own fears of black men, would be wary of him if they saw him on the street.

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People often relate dark skin with anti-social activities, and therefore, Staples was discriminated against and looked upon as a rapist or some criminal. Moreover, his brusque mannerisms would confirm the suspicions of people and identify him as an intruder.

Analysis: Staples’ Response to the Perception of Threat

I believe that is why he feels it necessary to alter public space to experience how people and the ambiance of the space make you feel. According to Staples, he had learned to control his rage for always being targeted and discriminated against for being a black man. However, he has learned through experience now to be careful to make himself appear less menacing. He is conscious about his moves, especially when he is out on the streets in the late evening. He makes sure to keep a safe distance from people who are uneasy about traveling during the wee hours, especially when he is casually dressed. If he happens to be walking behind some nervous people, he will expressly overtake them and walk right past them until they have cleared the way so that he is then safe to return to continue on his path. He thus goes out of his way to play safe just to let them know that he is an innocent person and is no threat to anyone.

Summary: Staples and the Fight Against Discrimination

I think, as per the misconceptions of a biased society, the Afro-Americans are singled out as trouble-makers. Staples is obviously one of them in this war against discrimination. He has been fighting a tough battle to stand up for his rights as a citizen of his country and to be accepted and treated as an equal to the whites. I think that American society is more concerned about equal opportunity than about equal results. I believe that equality and justice go hand in hand, and they are the most important constituents in the making up of a stable and healthy society.


  1. Staples, B. (1986). Black Men and Public Space. Ms. Magazine, 8(1), 37-40.
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"Black Men and Public Space": Navigating Prejudice. (2023, Jul 31). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/black-men-and-public-space-navigating-prejudice/