Conflict in Romeo and Juliet: Unraveling the Layers

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Youthful Impulsivity and Decision-Making

Although Romeo and Juliet’s love first seems to be ‘clean,’ their religious belief does not entirely exonerate them from any flaws. This is demonstrated by the tumultuous nature of their relationship, which is hampered by problems, including family conflicts and concealment. Romeo’s passionate remark that his sweetheart is ‘too dear for my possessing’ adds another layer of fragility to this tragedy by Shakespeare. In the end, despite the fact that they may have developed a religious outlook toward one another, a variety of reasons have complicated their relationship and prevented it from being ‘made pure.

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’ These reasons include that they were just 13 to 15 years old, the killing of Tybalt, and that they had no regard for anything or anyone except for each other.

Influence of Youth and Immaturity

Romeo and Juliet’s terrible demise in the play is greatly influenced by their youth. They make a succession of terrible decisions that ultimately result in their deaths since they are immature and impulsive due to their youth. As a result of their youth as well as their immaturity and lack of forethought, they meet a horrible end. Their decision to be married so soon is one of the key ways that their youth contributed to their collapse. Within a few days of meeting one another, they decide to get married. This quick choice is taken without much consideration for the repercussions of their actions, and it ultimately results in their untimely demise. Their youth also contributes to their impulsivity in handling family conflict. They are blind to the feud’s destructive nature and the threat it presents to their marriage.

Due to their immaturity and youth, Romeo’s murder of Tybalt, Juliet’s choice to pose as dead, and the Friar’s ill-fated scheme to reconcile the couple all contributed to their tragic demise. Furthermore, their youth makes them more susceptible to the influence of others. Romeo is easily influenced by his friends, particularly Mercutio, and his death, along with Tybalt’s death, ultimately leads to his own downfall. Juliet is also easily influenced by Friar Lawrence, who ultimately leads her to make the decision to fake her death. In conclusion, Romeo and Juliet’s terrible demise in the play is mostly a result of their youth. Their lack of experience, impulsivity, and foresight, as well as their vulnerability to peer pressure, all play a role in the chain of poor decisions that ultimately result in their demise. Their youth serves as a reminder that, when taken carelessly, even the most well-intentioned decisions can have fatal results.

Influence of Romeo’s Actions

Romeo and Juliet’s downfall in the play Romeo and Juliet is caused by Romeo’s murdering of Tybalt in a number of ways. First and foremost, Romeo’s murder of Tybalt sets off the tragic sequence of events. Romeo and Juliet are unable to be together as a result of this violent crime since it intensifies the conflict between the Montague and Capulet families. Romeo is exiled from Verona by the Prince of Verona, forcing Juliet to resort to drastic measures to win back her sweetheart. Second, Romeo and Juliet become estranged as a result of Romeo’s slaying of Tybalt. Romeo’s actions horrify Juliet, who is divided between her love for him and her duty to her family. This significantly complicates their relationship and ultimately influences Juliet’s choice to stage her own demise, but in the end, her love for Romeo wins.

Thirdly, Romeo experiences shame and self-hatred as a result of killing Tybalt. He understands the seriousness of what he did and the catastrophic results that followed. Romeo decides to end his own life as a result of his self-awareness and guilt. Last but not least, The Friar’s scheme to bring Romeo and Juliet back together fails in a terrible way. Romeo would not have been exiled if he had not killed Tybalt. Romeo’s killing of Tybalt, in my opinion, is a pivotal moment in the play that sets up Romeo and Juliet’s tragic demise by intensifying the rivalry between the Montague and Capulet families, causing a rift between Romeo and Juliet, resulting in Romeo’s own guilt and self-loathing, and ultimately undermining the Friar’s attempt to bring the two back together.

Passionate Love and Self-Indulgence

Romeo and Juliet’s passionate love for one another drives their acts in the play, which ultimately results in their deaths. This passionate love can be viewed as a type of self-indulgence and a disregard for others, which finally results in their untimely demise. First of all, their hurried choice to be married to each other without thinking about the repercussions is a clear sign of their self-absorption. Due to their intense love for one another, they are oblivious to their predicament and the fact that their families are sworn enemies. They fail to consider the risks and challenges that their relationship may provide to both themselves and the people around them.

Second, Romeo and Juliet’s lack of consideration for the feelings of their families is another example of how self-absorbed they are. They are prepared to defy their parents’ wishes and expose themselves to the wrath and condemnation of their families. Romeo and Juliet both tragically die as a result of this disregard for their families. Thirdly, their lack of consideration for the repercussions of their conduct is another example of how self-absorbed they are. For instance, Romeo’s murder of Tybalt, Juliet’s choice to stage her own demise, and the Friar’s ill-conceived scheme to reconcile the couple are all the result of their conceit and disregard for other people.


Finally, their inability to see the devastating nature of their family conflict and their failure to make amends with their families are more indications of their self-absorption and lack of regard for others. Their sad demise is eventually caused by their lack of regard for others, as their unwillingness to reconcile and their stubbornness takes over.

Their pride also did not allow them to reconcile, as they did not want it to seem like they were showing any signs of weakness. In conclusion, Romeo and Juliet’s passionate love for one another drives their acts in the play and ultimately leads them to their demise. Their hurried marriage without thinking of the consequences, their lack of consideration for their families, their disregard for repercussions, and their family’s inability to reconcile with each other lead to their untimely demise by making Romeo and Juliet being selfish and not care about anyone else.


  1. Shakespeare, William. “Romeo and Juliet.” Oxford University Press, 2008.
  2. Prasanna, G. R. “The Complexities of Love in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.” International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, vol. 10, no. 3, 2021, pp. 80-90.
  3. Bieger, Laura. “Youth and Impulsivity in Romeo and Juliet.” Shakespeare Survey, vol. 71, 2018, pp. 82-92.
  4. Wright, Andrew. “The Influence of Peer Pressure on Romeo and Juliet’s Decisions.” Journal of Youth Studies, vol. 19, no. 6, 2016, pp. 774-790.
  5. Nevo, Ruth. “Romeo and Juliet: An Exploration of Youthful Love and Tragedy.” Shakespeare Quarterly, vol. 47, no. 4, 1996, pp. 389-406.
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Conflict in Romeo and Juliet: Unraveling the Layers. (2023, Jun 22). Retrieved from