AR 600-20: the Backbone of Army Leadership and Command Policy

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Updated: Mar 18, 2024
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AR 600-20: the Backbone of Army Leadership and Command Policy

This essay about Army Regulation (AR) 600-20, Army Command Policy, discusses its critical role in defining the United States Army’s leadership and command structure. It outlines how this cornerstone document establishes guidelines for the behavior, discipline, and professional development of soldiers, emphasizing respect, integrity, and accountability. The regulation’s significance in creating a positive command climate, detailing the chain of command, and promoting equal opportunity and sexual harassment prevention policies is highlighted. Moreover, the essay notes the regulation’s adaptability through regular updates, ensuring it meets the evolving challenges of military service. AR 600-20’s comprehensive approach reinforces the Army’s values and commitment to excellence and respect, serving as a foundational guide for commanders and soldiers in maintaining the Army’s effectiveness and cohesion.

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The United States Army operates not just on the strength of its arms but on the foundation of its policies and regulations, which guide every facet of its operations. Among these, Army Regulation (AR) 600-20, Army Command Policy, stands out as a cornerstone document that outlines the critical aspects of military leadership, command structure, and the conduct of soldiers. This regulation is essential for maintaining the discipline, cohesion, and effectiveness of the Army’s units across the globe.

AR 600-20 is comprehensive, addressing the roles and responsibilities of commanders, the chain of command, and the policies that govern the behavior of soldiers both in and out of service.

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It establishes a framework for leadership that is based on respect, integrity, and personal accountability, aiming to foster an environment where all soldiers can thrive and achieve their full potential. The regulation emphasizes the importance of a positive command climate and the prevention of practices detrimental to the Army’s effectiveness, such as discrimination, sexual harassment, and bullying.

One of the key aspects of AR 600-20 is its detailed approach to the chain of command and the noncommissioned officer support channel. These structures are vital for ensuring that orders are effectively communicated and executed throughout the Army, maintaining unit discipline and cohesion. The regulation also provides guidelines for the professional development of soldiers, highlighting the pathways for career advancement and the importance of mentorship within the ranks.

Another significant area covered by AR 600-20 is its policies on equal opportunity and the prevention of sexual harassment. The Army recognizes that its strength lies in the diversity of its personnel and the respect and dignity afforded to each member. To this end, AR 600-20 outlines the procedures for reporting and addressing complaints, ensuring that all soldiers have access to a safe and respectful working environment. This focus on equity and respect is crucial for maintaining morale and unity within the ranks.

The ongoing relevance of AR 600-20 is evident in its regular updates, which reflect the evolving challenges and realities of military service. These updates ensure that the regulation remains responsive to the needs of the Army and its soldiers, addressing new issues as they arise and adapting to the changing landscape of warfare and society. The regulation’s adaptability is a testament to the Army’s commitment to the well-being and effectiveness of its personnel.

In conclusion, AR 600-20 is more than just a set of rules; it is a reflection of the Army’s values and its commitment to excellence, discipline, and respect. It provides a blueprint for leadership and command that ensures the Army remains a formidable and cohesive force, capable of meeting the challenges of the 21st century. The regulation’s comprehensive approach to leadership, command policy, and soldier welfare underscores the Army’s dedication to its personnel, highlighting the importance of a strong and ethical command structure in achieving its mission. As the Army continues to evolve, AR 600-20 will undoubtedly remain a crucial guide for commanders and soldiers alike, shaping the future of military leadership.

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AR 600-20: The Backbone of Army Leadership and Command Policy. (2024, Mar 18). Retrieved from