Analysis of the US-Mexico Border Wall

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I am a naturalized US citizen and one of the many Americans who supports President Donald Trump’s idea of the construction of a US/Mexico border wall. It is needed for a few reasons, I believe it will reduce unauthorized access to America, block drug smugglers, and prevent terrorists from entering through the back door. A border wall is seen as a tool that, with accompanying technology, will allow the United States Border Patrol to improve enforcement.

A 2010 Rasmussen phone survey indicated that approximately 59 percent of United States citizens supported a border wall to control immigration.

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Studies have shown that only a small amount of voters were not in favor of the construction of the wall, but after American Consulate employees were murdered in Juarez, Mexico, most Americans changed their views on the situation and felt that preventing drug trafficking is better than trying to stop illegal and unauthorized entry. The data from Operation Gatekeeper in the almost completely fenced San Diego area, where border fencing came into being and have been used to argue that it is effective because the apprehension of unauthorized individuals is greatly increased. However, the US Border Patrol still see the wall or fence as an enhancement to successful mission accomplishment which is to apprehend those who try to enter the United States illegally.

This also allows them to concentrate on target enforcement and enable them to do more with less. Completely fencing the border would leave numerous openings or ports of entry for vehicles, trucks, and railroads, allowing trade, travel, and border tourism. The mere sight of the border fence is considered a major deterrent to individuals and small groups trying to cross. It has been suggested that a small fee is charged for the crossing which would help finance construction of the wall, paying back the cost over time. Another suggestion by president Trump was to have Mexico pay for the wall, but we all know that both suggestions were shut down. One positive impact of the Tijuana/San Diego wall was that land values rose on the U.S. side of the border within 14 miles of the fence. Supporters of wall construction indicate that it would make national parks like the Organ Pipe Monument, Indian reservations such as that of the Tohono O’odham in southern Arizona, and ranches safer places. Patrick Buchanan an American Politician and commentator suggested that the Wall may be perceived positively by Mexican border residents because of the increased risk of crime in border-crossing zones such as the Tijuana/San Diego corridor. Prior to the construction of a 14-mile fence in this area, there were border bandits and gangs that committed rape, robbery, and even homicide.

Border homicides, an additional concern occurred at a rate of 10 per year, but will decrease with the wall installed. The deterrence of crossing reduces the opportunity to further exploit unauthorized entrance. Mexico experiences a high level of corruption because of the low salaries of government employees. The Mexican police and military stationed on the U.S.-Mexico border and at ports of entry has been accused of rape, robbery, and physical assault on unauthorized individuals crossing through Mexico from Central and South America. Both the Mexican police and military seek them out throughout Mexico, particularly at Mexico’s southern border, to take their money and/or deport them. Women have been sexually assaulted, and unauthorized migrants are alleged to have been beaten to death. Recent corruption concerns involve bribery and intimidation of Mexican and even American law enforcement and government officials by drug trafficking organizations.

An unrecognized human rights issue is that constructing a wall in remote desert or mountainous border regions would prevent the deaths due to dehydration, heat exhaustion, cold exposure, starvation, and/or injury of hundreds of unauthorized individuals. It would also stop the accumulation of areas of trash left by unauthorized those individuals in desert and mountain ecological zones. Ranchers and other property owners would no longer be subject to trespassing on their lands. The more the border is fenced, the more unauthorized entrants are funneled into specific areas, making land enforcement more efficient. However, this approach will work only if the land border is almost completely fenced. It is estimated that it will cost 1.2-1.5 billion dollars to build the wall and millions yearly to maintain it. The Pentagon also approved 4000 National Guard troops to stand duty at the US borders which I feel is a great idea because it will help the Border Patrol a great deal and save them money. The chief motivation, however, may not originate from the war on terror. Border security has been a part of the war on drugs since the tight control of the Florida coastal drug smuggling corridor resulted in the displacement of drug trafficking to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Ultimately, the government may view the wall construction as a national security issue primarily connected to drugs, although it is represented as an effort to control immigration and terrorism. In conclusion, I believe the wall that separate the United States and Mexico are necessary and no matter what the few that oppose it say it will save lives, money spent on illegal aliens, and keep our nation safe. They are many opportunities available in America, but anyone who wishes to experience it must enter the country legally with a visa and obtain legal residence.

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Analysis of the US-Mexico Border Wall. (2019, Dec 23). Retrieved from