A World Without Internet

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Updated: Apr 30, 2024
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A World Without Internet

This essay will speculate on the societal, economic, and technological impacts of a world without internet. It will discuss how the absence of internet connectivity would affect communication, information access, business operations, and social interactions. The piece will explore the broader implications of a non-internet-dependent society. On PapersOwl, there’s also a selection of free essay templates associated with Cyber Bullying.

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How it works

On the street is the 21st century. Almost all people on our planet have access to the Internet. And they are actively using it. But they forget that they use it almost around the clock. From watching the weather in the morning to texting on social media in the evening. Instead of writing an essay by hand, a modern student simply downloads it. People on the Internet are already looking for work, pay for housing and communal services, participate in all sorts of promotions, and finally most people just have fun, spending time playing games, chatting, watching videos, films, TV shows, etc.

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The importance of the Internet for humanity. The Internet has firmly entered the life of mankind more than 20 years ago. But then – for example, in 1995 – less than 1% of people had access to it.

As the BBC notes, the network was a curiosity, it was used mainly in the West. Now more than four billion people have the Internet, and this number is increasing by ten people every second. According to a survey by the Public Opinion Foundation (FOM) * (published on January 27, 2016), 87% of Russians believe that, in general, the invention of the Internet has brought people more good than bad, 10% found it difficult to answer, and only 3% believe that on the Internet more bad than good. As the positive aspects of the Internet, 60% of respondents noted:

  • “a lot of useful and publicly available information”,
  • 31% – “ample opportunities for communication between people”,
  • 8% – “entertainment, new forms of leisure activities”,
  • another 8% – “quick access to information “,
  • 7% -” new opportunities for work, study “,
  • 6% -” broadening one’s horizons “,
  • 4% -” the possibility of remote purchases, paying bills “

(it was possible to choose several answers).

Pluses of the Internet:

  • Internet invaluable repository of human experience and useful information;
  • millions of sites allow a person to perform hundreds of actions without leaving the computer;
  • Internet – unlimited communication;
  • you can follow the latest news on the Internet;
  • work and study;
  • The Internet provides so many different possibilities that it was impossible to think about before.

Cons of the Internet

For adults:

  • Internet addiction;
  • there are trap sites, viruses on the Internet;
  • unreliability of information.

The main dangers on the Internet for children and adolescents:

  • Cyberbullying
  • Using the Internet to manipulate the minds of children and adolescents (propaganda of extremist, antisocial behavior, suicides, involvement in dangerous games). “Unfamiliar friend” on social networks
  • Security of access to the Network and theft of personal data by technical means
  • Illegal collection of personal data of minors and (or) their dissemination in the public domain
  • Viewing sites for adults

A world without internet

What will happen if, as a result of a global technical catastrophe, the operation of the Network is not only disrupted, but it stops working altogether? The world will be thrown into chaos. And it will be more serious than a small inconvenience. People will wander the streets, without GPS they will not know where to go or where to go, they will not be able to pay for food and clothes with their credit card. Offices of companies and institutions are returning to faxing telephone conversations, regular paper slow mail is replacing fast and convenient e-mail.

Electronic commerce will disappear, any business based on the Internet or dependent on the Net will cease to exist. The work of transport and power supply will be disrupted. What will happen if, as a result of a global technical catastrophe, the operation of the Network is not only disrupted, but it stops working altogether? The world will be thrown into chaos. And it will be more serious than a small inconvenience. Using a questionnaire, I tried to show the role of the Internet for my classmates and compare the data of their survey with the FOM research.

The data processing shows that

  • the majority of the respondents spend most of their time at the computer;
  • prefers communication via the Internet to real;
  • cannot imagine his life without the Internet.

Everything in our life should be harmonious. Of course, thanks to modern advances in science and technology, our life has changed dramatically, but do not forget about such eternal values of life as direct, live communication with friends, walking in the park, reading a good book. In any case, the Internet can be used for good – to enhance your work, self-education, and close communication with friends.

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A World Without Internet. (2021, May 10). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/a-world-without-internet/