Why Introverts Succeed Better than Extroverts

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The two major social behaviors that people adopt widely around the world as they progress into young adulthood: extraversion and introversion. Extroverts, who represent outgoing individuals who appear to be confident in large groups. That is where they draw their energy and they also enjoy the presence of others through various activities. On the other hand, introverts, reserved individuals, prefer enjoying a favorite pastime by the means of being alone and in a quiet environment. Introverts ought to be shy, shy of saying something wrong.

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Even though both of these types of people count important, an introvert functions better than an extrovert because of their leadership and listening skills.

Introverts make better leaders because they’re motivated by productivity, not ambition. Introverts are stereotyped to not be wanting to succeed as much as an extrovert, like they are not wanting success a part of their lives. The truth, though explains that they measure success differently and they’re motivated by different factors as well. Instead of wanting to be recognized and promoted like an extrovert, an introverted leader gains more satisfaction through high-quality work and maintaining productivity.  They also build more meaningful connections rather than extroverts because of their motivation. Introverts might seem disconnected from society since they consider to be motivated by quality and productivity being unable to build personal connections. However, the connections introverts build just happen to revolve around different priorities. While they may be shy in large groups, introverts expand great at developing deep and meaningful connections with employees and clients in a one-on-one environment. This relationship-building makes an introverted leader more focused with each member of their team than an extroverted leader would be.(Ilya Pozin, 2018).

Furthermore, introverts tend to tune out the noise and concentrate better than their extrovert counterparts. Introverts draw their energy from within, and therefore can focus easily on the task at hand without being distracted by office noise and other loud conversations.(Ilya Pozin, 2018). This ability to concentrate through distractions further enhances the qualities of a leader that introverts possess. Concentration also ties into their motivation for quality and productivity which becomes easier to maintain and helps them focus on the needs of their team members without being distracted by other demands. In addition, Introverts tend to solve problems thoroughly rather than with haste. Problem Solving is the backbone of all good leadership, and research indicates that introverts have thicker gray matter in the prefrontal cortex, which builds the part of the brain where abstract thinking and decision making occurs.(Ilya Pozin, 2018) This leads introverts to make a decision after careful consideration and reflecting on creative/efficient ways to solve problems. Quality work always sets up the goal, they don’t like settling for mediocrity. For example, an introverted leader will be less likely to approve a project if other members of the team have objections because the leader would want to ensure success by addressing concerns directly before moving ahead. If disagreements arise, the lack of concern of their social standing gives an introvert leader the advantage in addressing those  issues for the good of the project.

Introverts listen to others and respect opinions better than extroverts can. Good listening skills found to be a natural ability for introverts because they tend to think before they voice their opinions on matters.(Michael Poh, 2016) Introverts prefer to seek first to understand others before wanting to be understood, which helps them build a good relationship with people. When others speak freely, introverts listen so they can have a good grasp of their opinions. People generally feel much better with being open when they see introverts willingly wanting to hear their perspective. In other words, they have a flair of making others feel valued that their opinions also matter. They love to process and analyze information in their heads, but they find conversations, as in small talk, generally discouraging and a meaningless activity that doesn’t interest them.  Although, introverts may find small talks mentally draining due to their discomfort in engaging others on surface-level topics, you can always count on them for a listening ear rather than an extrovert who become more known for valuing their opinions more than others.(Michael Poh, 2016) It’s a proven fact that being quiet represents a choice and quiet people have unique abilities, because they’re just waiting for the right minute to state how they feel so others take them more seriously. Extroverts might be more loud and engaging but introverts definitely achieve better processing what was said and stating something with careful consideration and value to others opinions.

As a result, The best leaders and listeners aren’t always the loudest and noticeable ones, and the idea that introverts aren’t as dedicated to success and possess unique skills could be dangerously misleading.(Gustavo Razzetti, 2018). The truth confesses that any company or individual would do well with the help of introverts among their ranks even if they do prefer to be away from the spotlight. Introverts not wanting attention just proves at how selfless they identified to be and the care they have for others opinions and values. Remember loud doesn’t always mean smart. Sometimes the quiet people collect to the ones that bring change to the world.

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Why Introverts Succeed Better Than Extroverts. (2020, Feb 21). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/why-introverts-succeed-better-than-extroverts/