Why i Chose my Major

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Why i Chose my Major

Provide a personal narrative or a series of interviews highlighting the reasons behind choosing a particular major. Discuss factors like passion, career prospects, personal experiences, and influences that guide such decisions. Offer insights into how the chosen field aligns with personal goals, interests, and worldviews. Moreover, at PapersOwl, there are additional free essay samples connected to Profession.

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Settling on a major is a critical choice, one that can be hard to make. Many students enter college with a specific path in mind, only to later discover a passion for an entirely different field. This prompts a common question: Did I choose the right major? My response: I'm not entirely sure. I chose what intrigued me the most, though it was unsettling. Like many students, I faced strong family influences when making my decision. However, it's difficult to definitively say what is right or wrong.

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Within every field of study, there are niches where one can find a sense of belonging.

The Journey of Discovery

Currently, as a second-semester junior majoring in Political Science with a minor in Organizational Science, I often reflect on why I chose my major. Am I destined to become a president? Probably not. However, I aspire to make a significant impact and contribute to the society I am growing up in. I believe that a broad understanding of political science can help address the deficiencies within government, society, and the complex systems in the world of politics. This knowledge enables me to educate those around me and prevents me from making hasty judgments about recent events and political situations.

As I delve deeper into the politics of various countries, I realize how interconnected global politics truly are. For example, examining Southeast Asia's practices in the late fourteenth century can shed light on current situations in other regions. Similarly, understanding Indonesia as the country with the largest Muslim population in the world is incomplete without considering the Middle East, where Islam originated, and Southeast Asia’s historical developments that explain Indonesia's growth. One cannot fully comprehend an idea without exploring its roots and the conditions from which it emerged.

Aspirations and Reflections

Beyond academics, I have a strong desire to travel and explore the world. I want to learn and be taught every day. I admire individuals who have already charted their future careers, yet I question how one can make such decisions amidst the demands of college life. There is a vast world of opportunities, and everyone deserves the chance to explore them personally. As I look toward graduation next year, I plan to travel, seeking opportunities that enrich my perspective and worldview.

Moreover, I am aware that we are growing up in a consumer society. We spend money on education, then seek high-paying jobs to repay the cost of that education. However, I don't crave wealth or luxury; I seek a "rich" life that helps me understand the intricate world of politics and the relationship between society and the state. One of my primary goals is to construct a "political map" with a profound understanding of the connections between different global regions, along with their strengths and weaknesses.


In conclusion, the decision of why I chose my major is both personal and influenced by broader aspirations. While I may not have a definitive answer to whether I made the right choice, I am confident that my major in Political Science aligns with my desire to understand and impact the world. As I continue my journey, I remain committed to exploring new horizons, gaining diverse experiences, and contributing to society in meaningful ways. The journey of choosing a major is not just about the subject itself, but about the possibilities it opens for personal growth and making a difference in the world.

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Why i Chose my Major. (2021, Jul 13). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/why-i-chose-my-major/