Why Choose Nursing as a Career: my Lifelong Passion for Pediatric Care

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Growing up in a Mexican household, I was taught to pursue my dreams no matter what environment I was in. Being born in a country full of possibilities, I had the privilege of choosing from a plethora of professions that would provide me with a fulfilling lifestyle. Still, it has been challenging being the only teenager in my family, aimlessly searching for a career that is perfect for me. I wanted to make my parents and siblings proud as I would walk down the stage earning both my high school and college diplomas. I aspire to be successful in proving worthy of the sacrifice made by my parents as they gave me my best life.

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For this reason, I wish to obtain a career in nursing that is of importance not only to my life but the lives of others.

Discovering My Passion for Nursing

I first developed an interest in nursing during my middle school years. Upon deciding what I wanted to study, my family began to grow in precious ways. My sister was pregnant while I was in eighth grade, and it was the most thrilling news to hear. However, she had many complications during her pregnancy, along with whenever my niece was born. I spent many hours in hospitals, waiting with my sister as she sought care for both her and her daughter. I was intrigued by the intensive care brought by the many specialists and caretakers who handled my niece and nursed her to health. For my undergraduate study, I would like to focus on pediatrics as it would hit close to home. I found my passion for nursing during one of the most joyous parts of my life and continued to search for ways of pursuing it.

Why UCLA's School of Nursing

There were many reasons why I chose to apply to UCLA's School of Nursing. After deciding on my career, I wanted to make sure that I received an advanced, proper education to be able to help as many children as possible. During my sophomore year of high school, I was faced with a tragic event that occurred to my 10-year-old nephew. He was in a car accident that placed him under extreme conditions. At that moment, I felt helpless and unable to process such an accident. Again, I spent hours upon hours in the hospital watching him regain strength with the help of professionals. It allowed me to assess how I wanted to pursue my career with the best possible opportunity to do so. UCLA is a prestigious, highly acclaimed school where I could truly have the best opportunities possible. As my parents taught me, I have to work intensely for the things I desire. If I aspire to pursue a nursing career, I expect to obtain an education somewhere where I would have the best superiorities.

Being a Mexican-American woman, I have been fortunate enough to speak two languages: Spanish and English. My childhood consisted solely of Spanish-speaking individuals until I started school, where I learned English. I believe it is important for a nurse to speak Spanish due to the surplus of people who are not fluent in English. Being able to obtain information from a patient or parent of a patient is an essential part of any job, and thus, I am appreciative of the privilege of knowing more than one language.

Challenges Faced as a Hispanic

On another note, being Hispanic has troubled me with many disadvantages as well. Along with many of my friends, I am a first-generation applicant that has had a difficult time achieving many tasks. I had no one to set the precedent of what the commencement of many occupations would look like. I wanted to become a nurse but held trouble understanding the field when I was first deciding. I also did not have the luxury of exploring aid outside of school due to my household culture. After school, I was only allowed to attend school-related events and be home on time to provide care for my younger nieces. I did not have the opportunity to volunteer at hospitals due to a lack of transportation, which is why I have not been as experienced as I would be otherwise. I perceive school as a luxury where I take any and every opportunity to educate myself in the field I wish to pursue.

Educational Pursuits and Experiences

Ever since I decided on my career choice, I planned to take as many rigorous classes as I could to aid my understanding of becoming a nurse. I have gained an abundance of experience in the science and math fields by taking AP Honors classes. I spend no less than 10 hours a week outside of school, either studying or completing work given by such rigorous classes. To my understanding, I have taken every possible class that my school offers to aid my path toward becoming a nurse. All I know is how to work tremendously hard to be victorious in the field.

Leadership and Involvement

In school, I have also taken the liberty of being as involved as probable. I have obtained leadership opportunities, such as Student Council, to learn what it is like to be a dependable person. I helped organize many events, but one of my favorites would be a Fall Festival, where I engage with kids from my school's feeder elementary schools. I adore working with children, which is why I elected to pursue a career in pediatrics. I believe that children are our future and deserve the most exceptional care that can be provided. Student Council gave me the necessary experience to explore working with them, and I am exceedingly obliged to be a part of such an engaged committee. I have also operated with an organization called the National Honor Society, where it was my duty to help around the school and my church's daycare. I help care for younger kids and learn from the experience every day I volunteer.

Conclusion and Future Aspirations

Overall, my future shall consist of a career where I can be of aid. A career in pediatric nursing is something I will hold a passion for. As I plan to study for four or more years, I plan to spend my time planning for a lifetime of treating and molding the lives of our future generation.


  1. Villarruel, A., Washington, D., Lecher, W.T., & Carver, N.A. (2015). Promoting Diversity in Nursing Education. Journal of Nursing Education, 54(9 Suppl), S5-9.
  2. Garcia, A. A., & Garza, A. (2006). Increasing the Number of Mexican American/Hispanic Nurses: Challenges and Possibilities. Nursing Forum, 41(3), 105–113.
  3. American Nurses Association. (2021). Diversity and Inclusion in Nursing. ANA.


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Why Choose Nursing as a Career: My Lifelong Passion for Pediatric Care. (2023, Jun 15). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/why-choose-nursing-as-a-career-my-lifelong-passion-for-pediatric-care/