Cultural Sensitivity in the Modern World

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The technological advancements of the modern age have introduced remarkable conveniences, revolutionizing how we interact on a global scale. However, this interconnectedness amplifies the necessity of employing cultural sensitivity in our lives. With people increasingly mingling across borders due to migration and immigration, cultures are becoming geographically enmeshed. To alleviate the tensions that can arise from this cultural amalgamation, it is imperative to foster cultural sensitivity within our spheres of influence, promoting an environment of mutual respect and understanding.

Growing up in a predominantly white middle-class community in Oklahoma, my exposure to diverse cultures was limited.

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My worldview was initially shaped by the homogeneity of my surroundings, leading me to believe that, fundamentally, all individuals shared similar values and experiences. This perspective was challenged when, as a young adult, I formed a close friendship with an immigrant family from Central America. This was my inaugural encounter with a culture distinctly different from my own. I learned that language, cuisine, and hospitality customs are just the surface of cultural diversity. Deeper values such as motivation, respect, and interpersonal relationships are shaped by cultural heritage, influencing how we perceive the world and interact within it. Reflecting on my development through the lens of the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity, I find myself transitioning between the Acceptance of Difference and Adaptation to Difference stages. Initially, my understanding was rooted in merely recognizing and accepting cultural diversity. I began reading extensively about various cultures, realizing that the more I learned, the less foreign they seemed. This journey of exploration helped me appreciate that my way of life is neither superior nor inferior—just different.

My move to Virginia Beach marked a significant turning point in my cultural understanding. This region is a melting pot of diverse cultures, and my travels to culturally rich cities like Washington D.C. and New York City further broadened my horizons. In these vibrant environments, I embraced the Acceptance of Difference stage, recognizing cultural diversity as a fascinating tapestry that enriches human experience. However, my encounters with diverse communities also prompted introspection about my own cultural assumptions and biases. As I interacted with people from various cultural backgrounds, I became acutely aware of how culture shapes perspectives on education, family, finance, and work. This insight prompted a profound level of self-reflection. I began to understand the challenges faced by immigrants trying to navigate the complexities of assimilating into a new culture while preserving their own heritage. This realization deepened my empathy and motivated me to adapt my communication and interactions to foster inclusivity and mutual respect.

Recently, I have noticed a shift toward the Adaptation of Difference stage. In my professional environment, I work alongside several first-generation immigrants. Through these interactions, I've realized that mere acceptance of cultural differences is insufficient. Cultural misunderstandings occasionally arise, not due to language barriers, but because of differing cultural norms and expectations. For instance, I initially struggled with communication styles—requesting assistance without urgency, only to find my colleagues dropping everything to help immediately. Understanding this as a cultural expression of respect, I adapted my approach, emphasizing flexibility in timing, which alleviated the pressure they felt to prioritize my requests. The more I immerse myself in diverse cultural environments, the more I solidify my position within the Adaptation of Difference stage. I now recognize that humor, communication styles, and interpersonal interactions vary widely across cultures. For instance, I adjust my tone and language when conversing with my co-worker’s Filipino mother, acknowledging the cultural nuances that differ from my own familial interactions. Yet, despite these strides, I acknowledge that cultural sensitivity remains an ongoing journey. Occasionally, my understanding falters, reminding me of the continuous effort required to engage culturally appropriately without conscious deliberation.

Reflecting on my cultural journey, I recognize the immense growth I've experienced over the past decade. Moving beyond the limited cultural exposure of my upbringing, I have embraced the complexities and richness of diverse cultures. However, this reflection also reveals how much further I have to go. While my awareness of cultural differences has heightened, empathy occasionally eludes me. Until I can effortlessly navigate cultural interactions with fluency and sensitivity, the final stage of intercultural sensitivity—Integration of Difference—remains aspirational. This journey is not merely a personal endeavor but a societal imperative, as fostering cultural sensitivity enriches our collective human experience, promoting harmony in our increasingly interconnected world.

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Cultural Sensitivity in the Modern World. (2021, May 09). Retrieved from