What i Learned in Sociology

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Sociology is a science that studies relationships between people. It arose in the first half of the 19th century and was founded by the French philosopher Auguste Comte.

The term “sociology” itself appeared in 1839, in translation it means “the doctrine of society” (from Latin Societas – society, company, association + Greek logos – word, doctrine, reason).

Like any scientific discipline, sociology has its own object and subject of study. The object is understood as the sphere that is subject to study, i.e. the object of sociology is society.

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But society is studied by many disciplines: history, philosophy, political science, etc. However, each of the named sciences highlights the specific properties of the object, which subsequently become the subjects of their research. So, the subject of sociology is the social life of society, that is, a complex of social phenomena that arise from the interaction of people and communities, their social ties, and relationships.

What does sociology study?
As we have already said, the object of sociological study is society. The subject of sociology should cover the analysis of all the phenomena of interactions between people, social strata, communities, values, norms, organizations, laws and conflicts that arise through social relations.

Sociology studies the relationship of formalities that exist in society and in life.

It is worth noting that sociology does not establish the rules of society or the characteristics of human behavior, since it concerns only facts and reality, and the establishment of norms and rules is the goal of ethics and philosophy.

Through studies of phenomena that are regularly repeated in social interactions, sociologists identify common patterns for formulating theories about social facts.

There are two methods of sociology: qualitative, for example, a detailed description of behavior and situations, and quantitative – statistical analysis.

As you know, globalization has opened up fundamentally new ideas about the status of modern sociology and the division of labor in society within the framework of sociological science.
Therefore, further, I would like to dwell on three main aspects of interaction between sociologists and society, which, in my opinion, are key and the possibility, an attempt to find an answer to the main question, depends on the resolution of a particular situation. These aspects are the first – this is a sociologist and a wide audience, here you can recall Mills, who said that sociologists should learn to popularize their ideas and do it in understandable words, in accessible language. The second aspect of the relationship between sociology and power, it should be added that power, elite, business and so on, and the main task is precisely to pay … contribute to their solution in the interests of the people. As for business, then, probably, again, the task of sociologists is to offer the most correct solutions for finding the right management strategy.

And finally, the last aspect is the ratio of professionalism and responsibility, I would also add citizenship. Sometimes some contradictions arise here, because in difficult difficult situations both political and, perhaps, in making an economic decision, a situation arises that leads to a confrontation between the professional position of the sociologist and the civic position. It seems to me that in fact there is no contradiction here, since it is precisely the high level of responsibility, responsibility of a sociologist, his civic position ultimately determines his level of professionalism.

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What I Learned In Sociology. (2021, Jul 15). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/what-i-learned-in-sociology-2/