What i have Learned in Communication: Insights Unveiled

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Updated: Aug 21, 2023
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I know a few pieces of information about Select communication, like picking the most appropriate medium. Communication and what communication means. My own thought about this course is a little bit exciting, and I wish to have good information, and new expires. I never try to learn in Internet courses is such as new thing. I think it will be more easily because you can start whatever you want and stop when you are tired or you have learned enough. This can be a new world to travel into it.

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Analysis of learning:

What do I learn about business communication?

As I learned, business communication is defined as the written and spoken interaction that takes place between people who operate in business contexts. It may be classified as internal or external to the organization. And in another book, I found that Business communication: Communication is used to promote a product, service, or organization; information relay within the business; or deal with legal and similar issues.

Internal business communication takes place within the organization and flows in different directions.  Where the flow of communication downward occurs as management provides information, gives instructions, asks for feedback, and generally supports and motivates employees. It also flows upwards as employees provide feedback and information, report on their activities and request support. Finally, it flows horizontally across the organization to facilitate exchanges of information and support between departments in the coordination of work carried out by interdepartmental teams.

Successful presentation

What I learned it to get a successful presentation is to think about the purpose of your presentation, the context in which you will deliver it, and the audience you will be addressing.

After searching on the internet about presentations: a presentation is this program allows users to choose from a library of images to accompany the text of their presentation. PowerPoint was introduced for the Macintosh computer in 1987. [Brock, David,31 October 2017 ] PowerPoint is what I mostly use in my presentations.

So I learned to prepare for my presentation, I have to ask myself the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of my presentation?
  • What is the context of my presentation?
  • Who is my target audience?
  • How do you feel about giving this presentation?

Then start my own presentation by those tips:

  • Preparation and rehearsal
  • Give my presentation a clear structure
  • Find the necessary information
  • Prepare your slides


About the list of dos and doesn’t that I have taken from the course: use your slides as a script. Make your slides clear and simple. Write long paragraphs using short bullet points and use too many colors. Use animation to make your points appear on the slide as you need them to use small font size to simplify tables and diagrams and use unnecessary clipart. Use only relevant images, use flashing text use a clear font – preferably sans serif.


I have learned The report is Management teams commission a report when they require answers and recommendations regarding a specific situation or issue.
And in another search for the reports, I found that reports used Individual components of the book report can also be made into separate artistic works, including pop-up cards, newsletters, character diaries, game boards, word searches, and story maps. To be able to produce a report, the writer first needs to carry out an investigation. The insights gained from this investigation will be included in the report and will form the basis of the recommendations put forward by the writer. A report is often both an informational and a persuasive document. This is achieved through the use of a clear, logical structure as well as facts and data gathered from authoritative and reliable sources.

Evaluation of learning

This online course made me more realizing about business communication from A to Z and taught me a lot of stuff and skills that I haven’t read or known in my life routine; there is so much experience that we can know it from online courses not only about business communication there is more than I can tell. This course takes 3 hours a week, but I start the course on 2 February and do it on 6 February. When I think about the course and try to use it in real life, I notice that a lot of companies use most of what I learn it. Although this online course did match my interests and what I like, especially the subject similar to my major in university so, this will help me in college and in my life experience


  1. Easton, Anna; Heidewald, Jeanette; Morrone, Michael; Neher, Darryl; Steiner-Williams, Judy. Strategic Business Writing (2nd edition) 2015. Trustees of Indiana University. Page 21. ISBN 978-0-253-01611-9
  2. https://web.archive.org/web/20070812141734/http://www.businesscommunication.org/index.asp
  3. Brock, David (31 October 2017). “The Improbable Origins of PowerPoint.” IEEE Spectrum.
  4. https://www.coursehero.com/file/33974624/presentationdocx/
  5. Jennifer Over end Prior, How to Make a Book Report, Grades 1–3, Teacher Created Resources, TCR 2503, 1999, pp. 3–11 p
  6. https://books.google.com.sa/books?id=o2dde1Pfv5wC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
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What I Have Learned in Communication: Insights Unveiled. (2023, Aug 18). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/what-i-have-learned-in-communication-insights-unveiled/