Accounting Internship Report: Insights and Reflections

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Introduction to My Accounting Internship Experience

Last summer, I did an accounting internship at Leshi Internet Information and Technology Crop in Beijing, China. I worked as an accountant assistant in the finance department, and it was a great opportunity for me to pursue a future career in the accounting field. Upon the completion of my internship, I gained professional experience while applying my knowledge in the real world. I understand the importance of accounting activities. My internship also taught me lots of useful skills that I can use in my future career life.

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Challenges and Discoveries at the Start

At first, the internship was a challenge for me because I had no previous experience with any job. I did not have a basic idea of how the real accounting process works. My manager set basic requirements and expectations for me, and I tried to understand my major task for each day. I also thought that my work might be very repetitive. It turned out that I was totally wrong as I began to work. Since I’m dealing with problems with numbers, I always need to be patient and careful and have strong problem-solving skills. I realized that all accountants need strong expertise and professional skills in their work.

Daily Tasks and Personal Growth

Through the internship, I was able to prepare daily financial reports, such as balance sheets, income statements, and invoices. My duties included recording and posting journal entries for every transaction that happened each day. More importantly, I used my knowledge from the accounting class to the preparation of journal entries and financial reports, such as the balance sheet is prepared from the trial balance, and the trial balance is prepared after transactions have been journalized and posted to the general ledger. My understanding of accounting operations and process was enhanced after I prepared the financial reports by myself because I participated in every aspect of the accounting activity. In addition, I was given lots of opportunities to learn to analyze actual financial data by using different analyzing software applications. Other than that, my duties also include organizing bank receipts, summarizing any concerns to the management, ensuring the accuracy of documentation for each transaction, and maintaining proper records of book and financial transactions. As for the technical skills, I was allowed to practice my Microsoft Excel, Access, and other computer skills that I learned at school and at work. I also developed strong communication skills through the internship as I learned to work as a team with my manager and colleagues. My internship experience built me a sense of responsibility. I always possess a positive attitude to learn new things and respect my co-workers.

Overcoming Challenges and Lessons Learned

During my internship, I faced lots of problems while working, and sometimes I felt overwhelmed when I had lots of work to do in a day. It was hard to manage my time when I had different tasks at the same time. Therefore, I started to make small goals by prioritizing work in order of importance. I also made a schedule at the beginning of each day and organized my work in advance. My internship helped me to find the importance of strong time management skills in the workplace. Effective time management skills improve both productivity and efficiency. My quality of work was also enhanced by planning ahead. One important lesson that I also learned from my internship is that I should not be hesitant to ask questions when I don’t understand something. It is possible that I don’t understand my assigned work from my managers, but I should ask them for clarification instead of being confused all the time and wasting my time doing the work. I realized that an internship is a learning experience, so I should always ask questions. Despite that, I found out that I can make mistakes at the workplace when I am unfamiliar with a task or project. No one is perfect, and we all make mistakes. What I learned from my internship is that I should learn from my mistakes and prevent it happens again. I need to pay more attention when I face similar situations.

Reflection and Accounting Internship Report Conclusion

By the end of my internship, I understand the daily accounting activities and tasks of the company. I gained hands-on experience in the accounting process by applying textbook accounting principles that I learned at school, developed better communication skills, trained my problem-solving skills, and practiced my computer proficiency.

My internship experience affected my view of a career in accounting in many aspects. First of all, I found the relationship between in-class accounting study and real-world accounting. The in-class study is the foundation of workplace performance, so I can apply my independent application of knowledge to workplace situations. Through my internship, I have learned more about my accounting field from a real-world perspective. I’m able to understand where the information on the balance sheet and income statement comes from. After the internship, I now have a better understanding of my future career goals and my focus on accounting. The internship experience not only helped me gain valuable skills but also helped me establish a professional relationship.

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Accounting Internship Report: Insights and Reflections. (2023, Aug 14). Retrieved from