True Roots of the Existing Problems in Society

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In the modern world of developing technologies and fast-paced life, there are many scientists who try to reveal the artificial construction of particular issues in society. Their topics may relate to different fields of people’s existence. Thus, for example, an American literary critic Lee Edelman in most of his works makes attempts to show various understandings of the existing theories. All of them are connected to gender, which is perceived as a special construct that defines a person’s sexual orientation and affects behavior.

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In the essay “ The Future Is Kid Stuff,” Edelman reestimates queer-theory. In some way, it gives the readers a new look at the future and the role of individuality.

First of all, the author states that gender has a great impact on people’s behavior. However, there is a traditional view of men’s and women’s nature. Modern politics is based mostly on these visions. While discussing the role of the child in this system, it is the advantage that Edelman thinks about the future perspective. It allows him to estimate all consequences more detailed. It is interesting that in particular moments, the author uses radical expressions in order to prove his convictions: “Fuck the social order and the Child in whose name we're collectively terrorized; fuck Annie; fuck the waif from Les Mis; fuck the poor, innocent kid on the Net; fuck Laws both with capital Is and with small” (Edelman, 29). In this way, the author tries to attract the readers’ attention to the problem of the correct perceiving of queer in society. He also highlights the importance of the child’s freedom to develop his or her own ideas regardless of church, state, social, and family standards. In such conditions, otherness will not be tabooed.

It seems original to look at children like at the horizon where the impact of the political intervention is weak. In order to support the main arguments, Edelman mentions particular cases from real life. It allows him to explain the impact of social order and show the process of reproducing the past. However, through the demonstration of neglection of the child, the author gets trapped. The reason is that such arguments lead to nowhere. Thus, it seems more appropriate to discuss the correct education of the child in order to avoid harmful prejudicement and stigmatization of particular groups in the future. In addition, it would be more useful to discuss possible variants of changing politics.

Finally, the author tries to find true roots of the existing problems in society. It is essential to understand the child as the opportunity to close the encountering gap. In the future, queer should not be perceived as pure negativity. People must realize that gender is an artificial concept, and both homosexuality and heterosexuality are equally normal issues, none of which should be underestimated. The article “The Future Is Kid Stuff,” there are many controversial moments. However, the main author’s claim is the necessity to fulfill the gap in people’s understanding of gender and sexuality. It would be better for the author to show possible chances to change the future and get rid of toxicity. In addition, people must realize that the queer body should be reestimated. In this term, it is extremely important to be critical and allow different ideas to influence the outlook. In some way, it means being flexible to the existing circumstances. That is how sharp social problems may be solved.

Work Cited

  1. Edelman, Lee. “The Future Is Kid Stuff.” file:///home/writers/Downloads/290321117_lee-edelman-no-future-queer-theory-and-the-death-drive-4_1701472854972043%20(1).pdf. Accessed 27 February 2019.

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True Roots of the Existing Problems in Society. (2021, Mar 20). Retrieved from