Tintoretto and Leonardo De Vinci

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Tintoretto and Leonardo De Vinci created paintings on the same subject which were The Last Supper. They both tell the same story in a different way and focus on Jesus and Christianity.

Leonardo De Vinci’s Last Supper was painted in 1495-1497 in a religious house or monastery wall located in a northern city in Italy named Milan. The painting was painted in a fresco style with oil and tempera paints (which is a mixture of pigments). He used the High Renaissance which is used in paintings to show linear perspective to create depth intensely to make paintings highly accurate of human interpretation.

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The lighting is bright; the colors in the background shows that Jesus in the middle of the table with his disciples enjoying their supper during the day with before Jesus went to trial and was crucified on the cross. Jesus is magnified to exemplify his significance and intrigue the attention of the viewer. The disciples around Jesus are shown to a smaller degree. They are painted wearing long colorful cloth, which Leonardo purposely did to fill up the spaces of the portrait.

Tintoretto’s painting of the Last Supper is a little bit different from Leonardo’s painting. It was redone 50 years later, in the years between 1592-1594. It’s oil on canvas, and it uses mannerism which is an exaggerated approach in painting. It’s located in Venice Italy in a church named the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore. The painting is darker than Leonardo’s version. Jesus is the same size as the others around him this time, but to highlight which one is Jesus, there is an even lighter halo on Jesus to display his importance in the painting. There are additional humans in the painting than just disciples. Judas, who later betrays Jesus is sitting near him, with servants included, the angels from heaven, appear to witness this miracle of Jesus providing the bread that he breaks in half to give to his disciples. This is to represent the Christian sacrament communion of the bread exemplifying the body of Christ and the wine as his blood. The painting portrays a few symbolic messages such as Judas who was purposely placed to sit beside Jesus to portray how worried he is representing a message of fear and guilt for the crime he has already committed against Jesus.

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Tintoretto and Leonardo De Vinci. (2021, Jan 25). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/tintoretto-and-leonardo-de-vinci/