The Zika Virus is a Rare Virus

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The Zika Virus is a rare virus that has been around for a long time. In 2016 America had a panic that the virus was in America and people where going to get it. It causes many problems to pregnant women. The following paragraphs will be on if it can be cured, who gets affected the most, and when and where it began.

The Zika Virus is a virus that gets passed around from mosquitoes. It is passed from one mosquito to another.

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When the mosquito bites it contains a virus that gets in to the human system. Symptoms are usually rash, a fever, joint or/and muscle pain, or headache. It usually lasts about 2-7 days. Not all mosquitoes who bite with the Zika cause symptoms. Some might not get affected at all.

There is not a cure that is available right now for the Zika Virus. There is a way to avoid this virus. It is by avoiding mosquitoes. Trying to avoid mosquitoes in particular places where the zika virus is circulating is the best thing that people can do to avoid it. The places to that you have to be careful are usually Mexico, Brazil, Asia, and the Pacific Islands. This does not mean you can’t go there, it means that you just have to be careful.

Pregnant women or women who want to be pregnant are the group of people who will get affected the most by the virus. If they are or want to be pregnant they have to watch out for mosquitoes. If they are not pregnant and want to be, and have the virus it is best of they wait until they get over the symptoms and then ask a doctor to get pregnant, so it is safe for the baby. If the woman is pregnant and has the virus then there baby will have a syndrome which causes the baby’s brain to stop growing. This may cause problems when the child is growing.

This virus started out in Africa and spread around the world quickly. The first person who got it was in 1952. It spread to the Pacific Islands, Asia, Brazil, and some parts of Mexico. The center of this outbreak is Brazil, which is the contains the most mosquitoes that carry the virus. This virus is expected to reach each and every single of the West Hampshire.

Although this virus is rare, it has bad side effects. The mosquito usually bites in the morning to early evening. The mosquito who carries the virus has a name called Aedes. If you are traveling to that a mosquito free zone then you need to take precautions.

Zika Virus Citations

  1. 1st Paragraph :

Belluz, Julia. “Thinking of Canceling a Vacation Because of Zika Virus? Read This First.”, Vox Media, 29 Jan. 2016,

  1. 2nd Paragraph:

Brown, Jennifer J. “10 Essential Facts About the Zika Virus.” Stroke Center –, Ziff Davis, LLC, 27 Oct. 2016,

  1. 3rd Paragraph:

Brown, Jennifer J. “10 Essential Facts About the Zika Virus.” Stroke Center –, Ziff Davis, LLC, 27 Oct. 2016,

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The Zika Virus is a rare virus. (2020, Apr 10). Retrieved from