The Southern Manifesto and Martin Luther King

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Updated: Jan 21, 2025
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Firstly, talking about Dr. Martin Luther King, it won’t be wrong to say that he is the master of the Civil Rights Movement and also, he is one of those pioneers who are honest with their words and is the most famous personality of his area. He was a young Eminent Christian so that is why Luther’s most of the beliefs are obvious and patent. Despite the issue of latest consequence, the faith of Martin in harmony doesn’t faded.

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Moreover, the ethics of every Christian straightforwardly comes from their bible but additionally, the argument of The Southern Manifesto presents the methods and styles for getting the freedom everybody wants and put emphasis on giving equal rights to the natives of US i.e. African Americans. Martin expressed in the argument that “for an ethical life, there is only one weapon that we all have and that is ‘not agreeing with anyone with their statements’. There are two possibilities if we are not right, one is that justice is a lie and second is God is not fair”.

On the Montgomery bus, Rose perks refuse to give her seat to a white passenger in the evening, many local African American people refuse to use the city buses for the transportation. The young minister Martin Luther King Jr provoked the Christian and American ideals of democracy and justice, his main purpose was to knock again and again during his career as a leader for the struggle of civil rights. In the United States, a document known as The Southern Manifesto was written 1956 February an d March, contrary to racial reconciliation of local places.

Both the documents give individual knowledge about freedom which is fine in their own ways. The Southern Manifesto thought that freedom gives opportunity to allow others to see anything they want to with focused segregation of different people according to their ethnicity. Martin Luther believed in freedom in which all the whites and non-whites individuals can take part and be separated of very similar things for we, paying little respect to race, are all individuals. Both the articles are beautiful written with having different perspectives on freedom. We should focus on these two arguments and need to give some attention to their acceptability."

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The Southern Manifesto and Martin Luther King. (2021, Apr 21). Retrieved from