The Psychology Side of Soccer

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The psychology side of soccer has helped me through learning how to deal with situations, ways on how to solve problems together with my teammates, allowing myself to adapt and meet new people from different countries. Many athletes are confused about the role of soccer psychology and how mental training can improve your performance. The goal of the psychology side of soccer is to help other athletes and teams perform their best by improving mental skills that help us excel in sports.

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The psychological side of soccer is not about working with problem athletes or abnormal behavior. Mental training or mental game coaching is the segment of sports psychology that concentrates specifically on coaching athletes on how to break through the mental barriers that keep them from performing up to their peak potential. Learning mental game strategies via mental game coaching helps to improve your overall performance by enhancing preparation and consistency. In contrast to some athletes believe they must first master “perfection” in their technique or mechanics before they can improve their mental game, mindset, or mental skills. My philosophy is that you cannot separate the mental from the physical when it comes to playing your best. The Soccer side of psychology helps athletes develop confidence and focusing skills and is just as important as mastering the technical aspects of the sport. Nevertheless, the Psychology side of soccer is needed.

When it is needed

  • You are more relaxed and perform better in practice compared to games
  • You become distracted and anxious when others are watching
  • You experience doubt about your ability to perform
  • You are tense, feel anxious, or scared when you perform in competition
  • You limit your performance with strict expectations (“I MUST score 2 goals today”)
  • You lose focus during crunch-time, overtime, or penalty kicks
  • After an injury, even when you are fully recovered, you play hesitant and do not perform the way you did pre-injury
  • You know you could play better if you had more confidence

When it is useful

  • Improve focus and block out distractions
  • Increase confidence and reduce doubts
  • Learn how to move on from setbacks and errors
  • Find the right zone of intensity during pregame warm-ups
  • Help teams develop good chemistry, communication, and cohesion
  • Create a healthy belief system and correct irrational thoughts
  • Increase motivation and work ethic
  • Help soccer players return to sport with confidence after an injury
  • Learn how to enter the “zone” more and refocus
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The Psychology Side Of Soccer. (2019, Jul 23). Retrieved from