The Great Gatsby on Power

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Chasing the American Dream The Great Gatsby takes us to the roaring 1920s, a time of new money, and old wealth. Through thoughts of the narrator, character, and outsider, Nick Carraway we are able to see the Gatsby saga boil down. In the novel, The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald we are given insight as to the definition of what makes the American Dream, the issues with it and what characters represent the idea, we can now compare these ideas to modern day concepts about the dream.

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The American dream is the thought that anyone can be successful in America, but this idea does come with some misconceptions. It doesn’t matter your class, gender, or ethnicity if a person strives and works hard they can achieve success. In the book, we learn quickly that many of the new rich worked hard to be in the condition that they are in. Before Gatsby was able to find his wealth he was a soldier and had nothing. This conclusion can be made because the author shares with us that “Quote about gatsby’s humble upbringings” Even though this is a tempting idea, it doesn’t bring into account the issues with American society during the 1920’s. For example, there was a great deal of segregation and racism. America was split into a class system, and this suggests that all the classes were equal.

This was an optimistic outlook on American society, and gave the notion that many unachievable things were possible. Although the American Dream had many discouraging traits, it was still a solution to many Americans problems of the time. Almost all of the characters represent the American Dream in the Great Gatsby. Nick Carraway moves into the tiny shack that is overshadowed by Gatsby’s mansion in the East Egg. Nick constantly shows his use of common sense and simplicity. We can especially note this on the account of his housing situation. From these thoughts, we can infer that he is more of a traditionalist, and has a reasonable way of thinking about life. The original reason that Nick moved to New York was to find his American Dream in the bond business. In complete contrast, Gatsby lives in a castle like home that outshines all the other houses in the East Egg. Gatsby never shows satisfaction, he seemingly always wants something more or new. From his extreme purchases, and indulgences we are able to see that he is very materialistic.

For example, Fitzgerald writes “quote about gatsby’s wealth” Despite the way in which Gatsby’s came by earnings was immoral, he does give an instance of the idea that any person could be successful in America. Although there are only two characters that are in depthly shown here, mostly all in the novel show the conception of the American Dream. If you compare the ideas of the American dream to modern day America we are able to see some similarities and differences. In the 1920’s there is a big emphasis that wealth is determined by your birthplace. We can see an example of this in the book by the living conditions in East Egg and West Egg. Usually, the old wealth and people who are born into their money live in East Egg, and the newly rich move in across on West Egg.

Nevertheless, the Eggs were very different from the Valley of the Ashes, “quote on the conditions of the valley of the ashes” Similarly, in America today there are wealthier neighborhoods, and what are called ghettos. In the 1920’s race was a large factor in the thought of new beginnings, segregation and racism caused many issues for people trying to achieve their dreams. In modern society, although there still is some racism, there are many more opportunities and options for all different races. The modern day idea of the American dream is both, similar and different to the thoughts of the past. The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald we are given insight as to the definition of what makes the American Dream, the issues with it and what characters represent the idea, we can now compare these ideas to modern day concepts about the dream. In the 1920’s with the economic boom of America came more opportunities and money. In the Great Gatsby Nick is able to give us an outsider’s perspective on the old and new money aspects of it all. 

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The Great Gatsby on Power. (2022, Apr 06). Retrieved from