To the Achieve a Dream

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Updated: Apr 04, 2022
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Most American citizens want to achieve the American Dream of being economically successful and generally happy. But there is an argument that the United States does not give all of its citizens an equal opportunity to attain the American Dream. Even though there is an argument that states race does not play a part in the American dream, this statement is wrong because the American dream is constricted to race, wealth, and national origin of an American citizen . The American Dream is difficult to attain when the American dream is a minority.

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Only seventy-five percent of blacks have received a post-high school education. This means that twenty-five percent of Black Americans do not receive a basic education tool that helps them to be successful and achieve their dream.

Blacks are seven times more likely to be imprisoned than other races. Many opportunities that are essential for access to the American Dream are restricted for criminals which means blacks are less likely to attain the tools needed for the American Dream. Minorities are less likely to attain the basic tools needed to achieve the American dream Another limitation to the American Dream is wealth. Undergraduate tuition cost at colleges and universities in 2010-2011 has nearly doubled in cost since 1980-1981. There are some good careers and jobs in America such as being a doctor, engineer, and lawyer but if you don’t have the skills for them, you have to go to college, which most people can’t afford. Many Americans still haven’t recovered from the recession of 2009. After the stock market crash people lost their retirement savings and homes to foreclosure which means they had to focus on saving for their futures and survival instead of their American Dream. Wealth solves a lot of problems that block you from the American Dream.

The final limitation on the American Dream is the national origin. U.S. born workers were more likely to see their income rise in the past few years than immigrants. This means U.S. born workers are more likely to progress in their career than immigrants and are more likely to reach their goals. Only thirty-three percent of foreign workers in the poll said their wages had gone up in past years: the majority said their incomes were flat and had declined. Foreign born workers have to focus on basic living expenses instead of trying to succeed and complete their American Dream because being foreign is a limitation in the United States.

However, some people do believe the United States of America does provide access to the American Dream of every race. This argument is wrong for many reasons. Fifty-Four percent of people believe they were better off than their parents at their age. However, the adults in this survey had parents who were alive during the civil rights era and legalized discrimination. Today, Black homeownership is lower than when housing discrimination was legal in our country. And even decades after redlining was banned, Black borrowers and Latino borrowers are still more likely to be denied a mortgage than comparable white borrowers. Another reason this is untrue is that black people are 3.6 more times as likely to get arrested for drug charges than their white counterparts.

Race matters in this “dreamland” known as America. Most American citizens want to achieve the American Dream of being economically successful and generally happy. But there is an argument that the United States does not give all of its citizens an equal opportunity to attain the American Dream. Even though it is believed race does not play a part in the American dream, the American dream is constricted to race, wealth, and national origin of an American citizen . In conclusion, the American dream does not exist for people who do not reach those standards. 

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To The Achieve A Dream. (2022, Apr 04). Retrieved from