The Fascinating Origins and Makers of M&M’s

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Updated: Jul 21, 2024
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The Fascinating Origins and Makers of M&M’s

This essay is about the origins and makers of M&M’s, the popular candy-coated chocolates. It explains that M&M’s are produced by Mars, Incorporated, a major confectionery company founded in 1911. The idea for M&M’s originated from Forrest Mars Sr., who, inspired by soldiers eating chocolate pellets with hard shells, partnered with Bruce Murrie from Hershey to create the candies. The essay outlines the evolution of M&M’s, including the introduction of various flavors and the brand’s marketing strategies. It also highlights Mars, Inc.’s commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing, ensuring high-quality products and a positive impact on the world.

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M&M’s, the colorful candy-coated chocolates beloved by millions worldwide, have a rich history and a fascinating story behind their creation. These iconic candies, with their hard shells and melt-in-your-mouth centers, are a product of Mars, Incorporated, one of the largest and most well-known confectionery companies in the world. Understanding who makes M&M’s involves delving into the history of Mars, Inc. and exploring how these treats came to be a staple in the candy industry.

Mars, Incorporated was founded in 1911 by Franklin Clarence Mars in Tacoma, Washington.

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Initially, the company focused on making butter cream candies, but it wasn’t long before Mars expanded its product line. The idea for M&M’s was born out of necessity and innovation during the late 1930s and early 1940s. Forrest Mars Sr., the son of the company founder, traveled to Europe and noticed soldiers eating chocolate pellets coated in a hard sugar shell. This coating prevented the chocolates from melting in their hands, making them practical for military rations.

Inspired by this concept, Forrest Mars Sr. returned to the United States and partnered with Bruce Murrie, the son of Hershey Chocolate’s president. The two combined their resources and expertise to create the first M&M’s, which stands for “Mars & Murrie.” The collaboration with Hershey was strategic, as it ensured a steady supply of chocolate during wartime rationing. The first M&M’s were introduced to the public in 1941, and they quickly became popular due to their convenient and durable packaging.

The original M&M’s were simple chocolate candies, but their success led to the introduction of various flavors and variations over the years. In 1954, the company launched Peanut M&M’s, which became an instant hit. Over the decades, Mars, Inc. continued to innovate, introducing a wide range of M&M’s varieties, including Peanut Butter, Almond, Crispy, and Pretzel, among others. Each new addition brought its own unique twist to the classic candy, appealing to a broader audience and solidifying M&M’s status as a beloved treat.

Mars, Incorporated, the parent company of M&M’s, is a privately held, family-owned business with a diverse portfolio of products. In addition to M&M’s, Mars produces other well-known brands such as Snickers, Twix, Milky Way, and Skittles. The company operates in over 80 countries and employs more than 100,000 associates worldwide. Despite its global reach, Mars remains committed to its core values of quality, responsibility, and mutuality, which guide its operations and business practices.

One of the reasons M&M’s have maintained their popularity over the years is the company’s ability to adapt to changing consumer preferences and market trends. Mars, Inc. has consistently invested in marketing and advertising campaigns that resonate with consumers. The iconic M&M’s characters, introduced in the 1990s, have become a significant part of the brand’s identity. These anthropomorphic candies, each with its own personality and color, have starred in numerous commercials and promotions, endearing themselves to fans of all ages.

In addition to its marketing efforts, Mars, Inc. has also focused on sustainability and corporate responsibility. The company is committed to reducing its environmental impact and promoting ethical sourcing of ingredients. For example, Mars has implemented programs to ensure that the cocoa used in its products is sustainably sourced and that farmers receive fair wages and support for their communities. These initiatives reflect the company’s dedication to making a positive impact on the world while delivering high-quality products.

The production of M&M’s involves a meticulous process that combines advanced technology with quality control. The candy starts with a chocolate core, which is then coated with a colored sugar shell. The distinctive “M” is printed on each candy using a special process that ensures consistency and precision. The finished M&M’s are then packaged and distributed to retailers around the globe, ready to bring joy to consumers everywhere.

In conclusion, M&M’s are more than just a tasty treat; they are a testament to the ingenuity and vision of Mars, Incorporated. From their origins as a practical solution for soldiers to their status as a global candy icon, M&M’s have captivated the hearts and taste buds of generations. The story of who makes M&M’s is a tale of innovation, partnership, and commitment to quality that continues to shape the candy industry today. As Mars, Inc. looks to the future, it remains dedicated to producing delightful products that bring smiles to faces around the world.


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The Fascinating Origins and Makers of M&M's. (2024, Jun 01). Retrieved from